SPN S2E1 In My Time of Dying

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Directed By: Kim Manners
Written By: Eric Kripke
Monsters: Reaper/Yellow Eyed Demon

   The episode starts off where the final episode (S1E22 Devil's Trap) ended. Dean, Sam, and John are all injured and unconscious after colliding with a semi truck. The truck driver is possessed by a demon and walks toward the car. Sam threatens to shoot him with the colt, but the demon flees by exiting the truck driver's body.

    The family is then taken to the hospital where Dean tries to find his family when he wakes up. No one seems to be able to hear or see him. He realizes that he is in spirit form and discovers his body in room in a comatose state as Sam watches over him. It doesn't look good for Dean and the doctors don't know if he will wake up.

   John sends Sam to get the colt from the impala be get some items that he needs to make a protection spell from the demon. Same meets with Bobby, where Bobby doubts that the car will be salvaged, but Sam says it can be repaired and talks in a way that analogous to Dean. Bobby agrees to tow the car to his place and Sam gives him the list. Bobby reveals that the list isn't a protection spell, but is instead a summoning spell.

    At the hospital Sam confronts his dad while Dean watches them. With his generated energy and frustration, Dean smashes glass causing everyone to stop talking. His body then dissipates as his actually body goes into cardiac arrest. Sam rushes to his side and watches as the doctors work on Dean. Dean follows and sees an apparition over his body which he attacks. It disappears and Dean's heart starts again.

   Dean encounters another spirit wandering the hospital, named Tessa, who seems to be in the same state as Dean. A code blue is called and Dean rushes to see the apparition again as a young girl dies and he realizes that it is a reaper that is taking everyone's spirits as they die, which is a natural process.

    Sam tells John that he senses Dean's presence and is determined to contact him. He leaves and John makes his way to the basement of the hospital where he performs the ritual, even though he promised he wouldn't until dean recovered. Sam returns to the hospital with a Ouija board. Dean is skeptical about it actually working but manages to communicate with Sam and informs him of the reaper that is after him. Sam rushes to tell John, but finds him gone. He takes his journal to research more about reapers while Dewan reads over his shoulder. He realizes that reapers can take human form and makes the connection that Tessa is actually a reaper.

     Dean confronts Tessa and she admits that she is a reaper. She explains to dean that it is his choice to stay or go,b tu if he stays he will become a vengeful spirit like the ones he hunts. John has successfully summoned the yellow eyed demon who he doesn't try to kill. Instead he asks for him to save Dean and that he knows about his plans for Sam. The demon agrees to save Dean in exchange for the colt and for John's life and soul.

    Just s dean is about to reveal his decision Tessa is overtaken by the yellow eyed demon. He uses Tessa to return Dean to his body. Dean wakes up with no memory of his out of body experience. John and Sam are at his bedside as he recovers, arguing like usual. John tells Sam he is sick of arguing with him and sends him to get some caffeine. Hike he is gone John tells Dean how proud he is of him, which confuses dean since he failed to kill the demon. He also apologizes for putting the care of the family into Dean's hands. Before Sam comes back he whispers something to Dean that shocks him. He then leaves the room.

    As Sam returns with coffee he finds John collapsed on the floor of is hospital room. He and dean watch as the doctors try to save him but to can't and he dies.

By: Ted Nugent
Plays during the recap of the previous events.

Bad Moon Rising
By: Credence Clearwater Revival
Plays in the radio after the car accident.

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