One // Tess

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I planned on meeting Tess after 4th block so we could get pizza and Starbucks. It was such a convenient place for a Starbucks and pizza. I mean, what normal teenage girl doesn't like coffee and pizza? I'd have pizza everyday for breakfast, lunch, and dinner if I could.

When I got to Mrs. Avallen's class, Tess wasn't there. Did she actually ditch me again? Just as the thought was released from my brain, I get a text. It's from Tess. Sorry, I can't make it today. I have a lot of work to do and my mom said I had to come home after school. Sorry again.

I text back, It's fine. We always have more school, sadly. I sighed. As I was walking out of Mrs. Avallen's class, I spotted Tess. Not only was there Tess, there was also her obnoxious boyfriend of the week, Erik Wells who currently was shoving his mouth in hers. Ew, can you stop? I thought to myself, ugh what a selfish bitch! I mean I would have been fine if she just said she wanted to spend time with her boyfriend, but instead she lies. Ugh, great friend Tess, really great friend.

I guess autocorrect mistyped when she said, I have a lot of work to do. I think the only thing she has to do is him.

I stayed behind them, trying not to cause drama. As hard as that was, I managed. Well that was until they started talking about me. I heard Erik chuckle back and say, "well duh, why were you ever friends with Ariel Kennan anyway?" I needed to move just in case they caught me eavesdropping, but I just had to listen to this conversation.

Tess laughed and said, "okay, okay, it's really funny. So one day I was with some friends going to a party and when we got there, we started playing truth or dare. When Ariel walked in, they told me she was a loser with no friends. My friends dared me to ask her to be my best friend for a year, then suddenly drop her. It was really funny because when I went up to her and asked her if she wanted to be friends, she smiled really big and said "Sure!" Then she hugged me. It was gross, I just wanted to vomit. But I was nice and hugged her back. I bet her head was flooding with things like, "Oh my god, Tess Mitchell is hugging me! The most popular girl in school is hugging me! I can't believe she's my friend!" Then Tess said, "I mean seriously, she's so pathetic, I don't know why I haven't ditched her yet. Everyone obviously likes me and I definitely don't need her."

That was it, I had had enough of being scared of people at my school. They're just like me. The devil inside of my head whispered, Except only prettier and popular. No no don't say that, you're so much better. Yeah as if. Shut up Ariel, you're great and you know it. Fine, the devil whispered. You win, you are great.

I walked up to Tess and Erik and said, "You're such a bitch you know! Nobody actually likes you, they only suck up to you and you're bullshit because they want to sleep with you."

She fired back exactly what I thought she was going to say, "Well, atleast guys actually want me."

I chuckled. "Well, atleast I'm not a hoe." I said mocking her.

She gave me the look of a devil. She obviously had nothing else to say, so I continued. "I can't believe I trusted you, I should have known right from the start you were playing me. I mean you're the most popular girl in the school and you were my friend." Damn it. That didn't come out how I wanted it to.

"Well, you are right; I am the most popular girl in school. I don't know why you believed I would hang out with a freak like you." She paused. "Actually, I do. You were lonely with no friends so you accepted the offer."

Wow, she is really pissing me off right now. I don't know what else to say. I was engulfed with anger. I looked her straight in the eyes, lifted my right hand, and bitch-slapped her. She looked very surprised. Her face was turning as red as a cherry. She took her right hand and lightly touched her bruised face. I saw a sting of pain go through her face when she did that. Now her face was filled with determination and anger, I should probably slowly back away now.

I turned around and started waking as fast as I could. I heard her running towards me. Lucky for me, I was wearing old, worn out tennis shoes from goodwill, while she was wearing bright pink, glittery high heels. I starting sprinting and  ran outside to the parking lot.

I ran to my car as fast as I could. I went to get my keys out, but they were gone. Ah shit! Where'd they go!

A voice called out from behind me. "Looking for these?" Tess said, while holding up a black keychain that said 5sos on it, with two keys. One key was for my house, and one was for my car.

"You're such a loser, 5sos sucks. Why was I ever friends with you?" She paused. "Oh yeah, it was a dare. A stupid dare to break you in a million pieces. Did it work?"

"No." My voice croaked. I sounded so weak. I was trying to sound like she didn't phase me, but she clearly did.

"That's funny, becuase that's not what you're voice is telling me."

"Fuck you." I said.

"Oh please, plenty of guys already have." She sounded triumphant, I hated it. I couldn't let her win. Not today, not ever.

"You think you're such a great person. You think you're all that. You think you have power over everyone, but the truth is, you don't. You don't control anyone. I can slap you right here, right now if I wanted to. School is out right now. I can rip your throat into a million pieces if I wanted to." I said.

"Then do it, but you're on school property, so you can't." She looked so brave and became obnoxious. "No. I'm not gonna turn into you or your little minions. I'm not gonna do what you say, even if I suggest it. I'm not gonna fight you, as much as you deserve it, im still not going to fight you. Only selfish, obnoxious teens who can't handle problems with words fight." I said courageously.

"You're just scared." She laughed.

I walked very slowly to her and chuckled. "You just don't know when to stop." I took my hand and I slapped her again. She squealed. She deserved every bit of it. "Now give me my keys or I'll do it again."

She scoffed. "Nice threat, but no." Her voice was so firm.

I slapped her again, this time she started to bleed. She cried out, "How could you!"

I slowly said, "Give me the damn keys Tess."

She viciously slammed the keys into my palms. "Thank you." I said.

She mumbled, "Whatever."

I got into my car and drove home. Although I felt victorious for getting my keys back and putting Tess in her place, all I wanted to do was cry. I held it back though. I figured if I was going to drive, I didn't need to be a distracted driver. I sighed in disbelief, I can't believe my only friend was faking it the whole time. I hate her so much. I should have never been friends with her. Well, atleast I wasn't the one slapped, so I guess I won this.

I walked up to my house and opened the door. I was greeted by dozens of strangers. I was so confused. What is going on.

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