Glitter Is Not Gold

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Hi everyone and anyone who is reading this. I'm sorry for anything that is grammatically incorrect or misspelled. I'm also sorry for the language. I swear I'm a child of god. Okay? Okay. Ahh don't you just love TFIOS.


Ariel Kennan has always been a social outcast. Most of her elementary school, middle school, and high school years were spent alone. That was until Tess Mitchell, the most popular girl in school, decided to be her friend.

Tess brings way more trouble into Ariel's life than she needed. Ariel's fighting depression and the only people who were supposed to know are the suicide prevention hotlines, and the only thing they knew about her was she preferred to keep it all anonymous. Complications keep increasing and makes Ariel struggle even more.

Ariel then meets Ashton Oliver, who changes her life forever.

•Title Explanation Below•

This title is inspired by William Shakespeare. One of his quotes are, "All That Glistens Is Not Gold." Another way this quote is seen is, "All That Glitters Is Not Gold." This quote symbolizes how no matter how perfect everything appears to be, it usually isn't. I thought this would make a great title for my book because in my book, Ariel always is acting like she's fine, and no matter how many times she pulls off that fake smile, it doesn't mean everything is perfect on the inside.


I would give you pictures of the characters, but personally I find it more exciting to use your imagination to decide what they look like. So let's get on with the book, shall we? *givs evil smirk*

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