Xion 24

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At the last possible moment the car swerved just barely missing us before speeding down the street and turning the corner; there wasn't a doubt in my mind who was behind the wheel but none of that mattered now, the way that Carter pulled me into his arms shielding me from harm made me dizzy. We stood there for a second before Carter finally let me go and I stepped back slowly, we didn't speak but we walked quickly back to the party, checking over our shoulders to make sure that the person (Hassan) hadn't turned around. When we got back into the party or rather an orgy I tried to make sense of what I was seeing; there were people openly fucking on the stairs and in the living room, girls running around topless, dudes getting the dick sucked in the corner, some girl on the dining room table getting tag team by two dudes on the football team. I didn't know whether to be turned on or disgusted, before I could settle on which one I should be feeling at moment Carter pulled me through the party until we ended up with Ronnie, Tay, Jace, and Romeraux.

"Ayy let me talk to my brothers real quick, go dance and socialize once I'm done I'll come and find you...... just don't talk to any niggas." Carter said smiling. We walked over to them and I guess he was telling them about what happened, I needed to use the bathroom so I walked upstairs and tried to navigate my way through this maze. It seemed like every bathroom in this bitch was being occupied... how O'Shea allowed all these people in his house I'll never know but at the end of the day it wasn't my problem to deal with. Finally, I came to an empty room and quickly walked into the bathroom, once I was finished I started to leave when someone entered the room.

"Dad..... come on how much longer to I have to stay in that group home?" O'Shea said and I really hated that I was eavesdropping on his conversation but I didn't want to reveal myself and making things awkward. "I know dad but still...... yes sir...... yes sir..... love you too dad." O'Shea said his voice cracking a little bit, I waited a few minutes before walking out thinking that he was gone but instead O'Shea was laying in the bed looking up at the ceiling.

"Oh shyt my bad......" I said quietly, O'Shea looked at me for a second before jumping out of the bed, his eyes flared with anger, as I stated I wasn't a fighter... I was the dude who used jokes to get me outta situations and seeing the look on O'Shea's face told me he didn't appreciate me being in here. "Sorry man I had to piss and everywhere else was......."

"Bro if you wanted some dick all you had to do was ask....." O'Shea said smirking but I could tell he was putting on a front. "I'm just fuckin with you Xion.... Antwan already let me know that you were talking to Carter so I'll back off, but uhh..... keep that conversation you heard between us." He said winking before opening the door basically dismissing me. I walked back downstairs bypassing the sex and running straight into Carter.

"Come on....." He said grabbing my hand and pulling me out the front door. "Man I had to get the hell outta there I was getting horny ass fuck..... sorry about ducking off like that, I had to let my bros know what happened." Carter said as we walked down the block and he got in the backseat of Romeraux's car. I was lowkey nervous but decided fuck it, I slid in next to him and just realized how good he smelled. "So what were we talking about before that non-driving ass nigga almost hit us?"

"Well we were supposed to be going back to the party and we were talking about sexual positions.... I'm glad we left though because I was getting horny too." I said shaking my head.

"Right I was telling you how I only give up ass if I like the person or if I get caught up in the moment.... but let's switch topic because my dick is already hard and I don't want you thinking I'm some type of sex feen....." Carter said and I glance down at his dick print quickly, thankfully he didn't notice though because I didn't want him thinking I was some type of 'sex feen'. "So what are you doing for your final project on in Political Science?" Carter asked.

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