Dejon 60

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It was Challenge Day, it was something Devin came up with that we had to do everything to keep us close as well as keep us 'entertained'; for today's event we were playing Capture The Flag and I felt like I had a pretty solid team. My team consisted of Tay, Carter, Donovan, Wesley, and Fat Daddy while Josiah's team was RonRon, Jace, O'Shea, Najee, and Valentino; so I wasn't too worry about them because Valentino didn't like to sweat and Jace was lazy so essentially it was six on four. Our rather five on four because Carter was still limping, I don't know what happened but he came in this morning walking gingerly, holding his stomach, but smiling; so his only job was to watch the flag. But I wasn't too worried about the other team, I laid out or plan and we went searching for the other team's flag.... I'm not sure what the prize was but every time we had a Challenge Day the prizes have been pretty legit, the bad ass little kids were at Cedar Point and the girls were in Memphis. Damn, I was leaving for Chicago tomorrow so I wanted to leave here with a 'W', Tay and Donovon went left while Fat Daddy, Wes, and myself went right......

"Man this is stupid as fuck, we're grown as fuck playing capture the flag..... what kind of shyt is this?" Wesley complained and there was a reason he was the last person picked because this nigga complained like a fuckin white girl. "I could be fuckin some bitches or getting money but here I am with y'all weak ass niggas."

"Wesley shut the fuck up...." Fat Daddy said as we walked through the woods. "You just don't understand there are days that I wish I could be a kid again, as a parent you're whole life revolves around your child and you gotta be an adult.... so you should enjoy the moment where we don't have to be 'grown ass fuck'." Fat Daddy said and Wesley didn't say anything, Fat Daddy was the responsible one in House Two but he was also the one that they all knew not to fuck with.

"Look let's just focus on the task at hand....." I said adjusting my mask, Capture the Flag was fun but Capture the Flag with paintball guns made it so much better. "Look we should be coming up on their base soon and if I know my bros like I think I do then more likely than not Valentino is the one watching the flag, all we have to do is grab it because Valentino isn't going to chance after us." I said as we stepped into area where Valentino was admiring himself in the mirror.... this was too easy, too late to I realize that we had been set up. "MOV....." Before the word could escape my mouth paintballs rained from the trees, we couldn't go anywhere as three people jumped down and forced us to retreat. As we ran I saw who I believed to be Najee running with our flag.

"It's over bruh.... that nigga Najee is a trackstar we're not going to catch him." Fat Daddy said conceding defeat.

"Tay what the fuck happened?" I asked as we all met up after the match.

"We thought we were chasing after Jace, but it turns out he was luring us away and as we were chasing him he fell and you know I had to check on my Shorty.... but he was playing us. What happened to y'all?" Tay asked looking at all the paint that was covering my vest and mask.

"Carter, what were you doing?" I asked as Carter walked over to us with that goofy ass grin on his face. "Why didn't you chase that nigga?" I asked and Carter shrugged.

"I was thinking about Xion and the day we had that led into night and early into the morning.... I swear that boy is just....." Carter said still smiling. "But I fucked up my fault.... it doesn't really matter though because well.... we'll get them next time."

"Jace that was a damn good plan....." Josiah said as they walked towards us and I made a mental note that Jace was going to be on my team from now on. When we got back to the house I finished packing for Chicago and walked into RonRon's room.

"How you been little bro? I feel like you've been ghost these last few days."

"I'm good bro, I've just been chillin with Antwan and recovering from some shyt that went down not too long ago." RonRon said. "You ready for your trip?" RonRon asked, before I could reply my phone started blinking and I figured it was a text from De'Marcus but it really wasn't.

"DEJON DON'T OPEN THAT TEXT!!!" Carter yelled from down the hall but it was too late.

CARTER: Baby Last Night Was Tha Truth C How U Got Me Right Now 😍😍😍


"Carter bruh what the fuck?" I asked looking down at the text message he had just sent me.

"Sorry that was for Xion, I got you saved as BRO and Xion saved as BAE so it was an honest mistake." Carter said and I was wondering how he could make that mistake until I realized his eyes were red as fuck and he couldn't stop smiling, which let me know he was high as fuck. "But you can see one of the many reasons my baby loves me." Carter said walking off with his chest puffed out.

"I'm happy him and Xion got together..... I'm happy we all have someone to that makes us happy." I said quietly. "So I've been thinking and as you know De'Marcus wants me to move in with him.... like I'm on the fence, some days I wanna stay here with y'all and other days.... I feel like I'm taking a spot from someone who actually needs this place more than I do."

"I know what you mean.... Black wants me to move in with him and I'm tempted but this is my home..... not these four walls but where y'all are, y'all are my family and..... I think that maybe it's time for me to step out on my own so to speak, but I'm still undecided." RonRon said.

"Dejon, De'Marcus is outside." Jace said walking into RonRon's room and walking over to his closet. "Rondell sweetheart, I'm going to get you all the way together for senior year that is my summer project." Jace said and they started arguing which was my cue to leave, I walked downstairs where De'Marcus was sitting with Tay and Valentino and just seeing him made me smile.

"Wassup Youngblood." De'Marcus said nodding towards me as Valentino told a very exaggerated version of what happened during Capture the Flag. "I seriously doubt that it went down like that but if you saw so Superstar.... I know the only reason Dejon lost is because of y'all niggas." De'Marcus said playfully, Tay and Valentino started arguing back and forth giving De'Marcus and exit, he walked over to me and I kissed him passionately.

"You ready to go?" I asked and he nodded. "Aight let me go grab my bag." I said walking upstairs, as grabbed my bag Valentino ran into my room stopping me.

"Are you going to be back before I leave?" Valentino asked and I nodded, relief flowed from his eyes and I realized how important it was for Valentino that I be here before he started touring across the country. "I just wanted to make sure you'd be here because you know.... it wouldn't feel right if you weren't there." Valentino said.

"Yeah, we should be back the night before you leave if not then we'll definitely be back that morning, just watching out for everyone while I'm gone.... if anything happens call me and I'll come back." I said hoping that it didn't come to that but just in case.

"You know I got you bro.... make sure you call when you get to Chicago." Valentino said dapping me up as he walked out my room...... I couldn't relax until the city skyline was just a dot in the rearview, maybe it was because I was expecting something to happened that would keep me from going but nothing happened.

"You worried that Nasty... Natasha is following us or something because you keep looking back and down at your phone like you're expecting something to happen." De'Marcus said and I shrugged.

"Something usually does but so far so good..... I'm just glad we're finally able to make this trip." I said smiling.

"Exactly, you need this trip and I promise once we get back you'll be a brand new person... so just sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride." De'Marcus said leaning over and kissing me, I hoped he was right but for the life of me I couldn't shake the fact that something was about to go horribly wrong.....................

****** QUESTIONS ******

1) Who should get the next two chapter; Ronnie, Valentino, Jace, or Quantavius?

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