Yin & Yang - Paralogue

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Hello everyone, I just wanted to explain my story and plot a bit before I start. Yes, it's a werewolf story. And no It's not gonna be the same plot most people follow, Someone finds their mate, they fall in love, then drama comes and a happy ending.

I have nothing against them of course, But I wanna do a different kind of a story. So let me explain what my plot and world of this story is about.

Firstly there are other creatures other than werewolves.

Vampires, Witches, Spirits, Demons, Phoenix. 

Vampires are cold, distance creatures. They don't stay together and mostly stick to themselves. They aren't known to cause trouble but they are also very violent and can clash with werewolves. It is also very rare to see vampire children but can happen. Only between their kind of course.

Witches are mysterious but kind people. They either love to help others with their intelligence and spells, Or they stick to themselves like vampires. Witches are very family oriented, and most of them they have big families. But due to how powerful and useless they can, they hide their true form from many. They make a great add-on to any pack or team as they provide a lot of wisdom.

Spirits are creatures that normally cling to another animal, they love being social but they are very shy. You cant see them unless they choose you too. You might hear certain animals speak but don't be mistaken for its just a spirit. Spirits aren't bad but may scare children on accident of course. Spirits make great company and if they choose you, they will help and be with you till you die. Only a few get the chance to be chosen by these shy creatures.

Demons are probably the most powerful next to the witches. They can be vicious, and act out of anger. Demons only appear if the soul of a human or any creature was angry in their past life. Demons are rare though, and very rare to see demons stick with other fellow demons. If you counter one, they can be quite frighting. 

Pheonix's are extremely rare as they were and still hunted down for their fire abilities. They are extremely powerful creatures but don't be fooled, they are rather peaceful ones. They prefer to stick by themselves, but families of these creatures can occur. They can along with mostly anyone so don't fear them. they are quite shy and scared though due to the many who want them dead or want to use them.

Of course, you have the rolls in the pack of werewolves. 

Alpha's are of course the leader of the pack. They can only gain this title if they have alpha blood. Most alphas are male due to how powerful alpha males are, But alpha females do occur, and can be as powerful due to their alpha blood. They have the biggest wolves out of them and can control anyone due to their power. Alphas rely on finding their mates due to their responsibilities of running a pack. The eldest of the children, get the title unless they don't deserve it. Most of the time Alpha parents choose their son for the role. Alphas are the rarest of the wolves, But the most powerful.

Lunas is the second alpha, the mate of the Alpha. Lunas are the ones who look after the pack in a different way to the Alpha. They are of course equals to their mate the alpha, they look after the younger wolves and care in other ways their mate does. They are much needed as the pack needs someone to look after them in different ways as in caring and loving. Lunas can be both male and females.

Betas are second in command, of course, They are very powerful, But of course, they cant go against their alpha. Betas are chosen by their alpha who trust them. Betas have to be extremely strong, and reliable as the alpha relies on them a lot. Betas don't exactly rely on finding their mate but of course, they still want to find them.

Rogues are the wolves without a pack, They aren't known to be violent creatures, They were either kicked out, born without a pack, or prefer being a lone wolf. Some rogues lost their mate, and their wolf is now a lone wolf, so turn into a lone wolf. They aren't willing to attack or follow anyone, as their wolf is a lone wolf.

Wanderers are ones born without a mate or their mate died before they met them. They are much like rogues but unlike rogues, their wolf was born to be alone, and rogues wolf learned and wanted to be alone. Wanderers rarely stick with a pack, But of course, they can choose too. they prefer wandering around until they find someone who makes them full. They don't look for a mate but chooses their own, Mostly other wanderers or rogues whos alone as well. Some alphas or betas can be wanderers as well but very rare.

Omegas are at the bottom of the wolves, They are the shyest and weakest of the wolves. They stick to themselves mostly, they prefer taking care of the younger wolves then fighting. Omegas rely heavily on their mate to take care of them as they are very dependent.

Humans are also a relevant part, but In this story, it doesn't rely heavily on humans, They are rare and in this world, there isn't as many as in reality. As wolves and many other creatures have taken over in 100 years in the future.

Witches have different eye colours for a reason. I'm gonna explain them in detail.

Purple: Protective Witches. They can cast shields, Spells, and many others to protect others. They are extremely protective of their loved ones. They are strong but not as strong as the fighter witch.

Pink/Yellow: The Love witch. They can basically see the future, They are extremely psychic. They love the idea of love. Most Alphas or Betas use them to find their soulmate. As love witches can find mates of wolves. They also have the ability to help witches or other creatures find a soulmate. They are like the moon goddess, but for witches. They are extremely rare though due to how rare and unique their abilities are.

Green&Blue (To symbolize the earth): Are the Elemental Witches. They can control the elemets. Most earth witches have only one element or two. It's rare to see an Elemental which have all four. They can control the weather as well. Earth can grow trees as high as they want, They can control the ground, They can cause massive earthquakes and what not if they wanted too. Air can control the winds, Very powerful, Cause massive hurricanes, Cyclones and more. Water can control lakes, oceans and use water to protect others or themselves, water is more used as a defense but can be very powerful too, They can water to heal others as well. Fire the last one, Is the most powerful and scariest, They can cause massive fires, and bring massive heat waves, They are scary when angry.

Blue&Grey: They are the fighter witch, The strongest of all of the witches. They are extremely fast, strong, and are stronger than even an Alpha wolf. They are great allies due to how strong. They don't rely on spells but can use them. But can heal themselves extremely quickly, Can also use shields, But only for themselves, unlike a protective wolf. They can also teleport or vanish quickly, They are a deadly enemy if they decide to fight, due to their mobility and strength. 

Red: They are the health witch, They are basically the healer, the doctor. They can heal anyone extremely fast, Faster than any witch. They have the ability to find out whatever is wrong with you and heal you fast. They are very caring people, They create spells, potions to heal others. Most of these witches cant die, Due to their fast healing abilities. They are always healing themselves so its extremely impossible to kill them. 

All witches also have a birthmark to symbolize what their powers are, They get them around 16 like a werewolf would get their wolf.

Now let me explain how mates work in my story.

Only wolves can mate with other wolves, Mates can be any gender. Mates are chosen by the moon goddess, Most wolves only get one mate in their entire lifetime, of course, some don't even get that. Mates are the wolf and person that completes that person, Meaning their opposite and another half, Meaning their yin to their yang.

I hope you enjoy this story If you do enjoy comment below and rate!, Any hate or rude comments will be deleted of course! Now onto the first chapter.

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