Chapter One - Yin & Yang. Unwanted Mate

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//Willows Pov//

I was on a run, running through the woods. I hated the last conversation I had with my family, so I went on a run. I growl angrily, Why are they so pushy for me to find my mate? I hated the idea, I wanted to be complete on my own. My minds wander back the conversation that led me out here running so angrily. 

I was walking downstairs to enjoy some breakfast, My father, the fellow alpha of our pack Cyrstal Woods pack, My mum was the luna, of course, she looked up at me with a tired but happy smile, as I smile back my younger brother who is only 7 runs after me and sits down as he chops into breakfast like he hasn't eaten in years. I chuckle and sit down as my father looks at me and lets out.

"How are you feeling willow?" I look up at him confused and he chuckles

"I was talking about the alpha gathering I have to go to soon, I was wondering if you wanted to go since you're the future alpha" I smile widely and talks with my chewed up waffle still in my mouth

"Really?!" My mum scolds me to finish eating than speak, to have manners as I'm a lady. I nod silently and swallows as I repeat myself

"Really dad? you're serious?" He chuckles and nods

"Of course, You need to understand your role so of course, you need to go. But there's gonna be a lot of alphas and future alphas there so just know that. They might look at you weirdly considering you're a female future alpha and not male"

I nod and groans slightly and lets out, with no food in my mouth this time.

"So what if I'm a female, Females can do as much as a male can" I cheer as he chuckles and nods

"Of course I know YOU can, just they are gonna look at you as weak, so be prepared for that. Don't worry though ill scare them away" I smile and chuckle slightly at my dad's serious face as he punches the air.

"So what exactly is it about?" I ask curiously, mostly to prepare myself for going

"Its more of a gathering to one see how the future alphas look and their mates, so basically seeing how their future pack will be like and of course to check up on all the packs and see how they are doing and talk about anything serious that needs to be spoken about"

I nod silently as I listen, my mum speaks up and she sighs 

"Of course you don't have a mate yet, so they can't judge who else will be in charge of the pack," she says worryingly. I look at her with a confused and disgusted look as I let out

"What if I don't want a mate" I let out softly, my mum, of course, hears it along with my father as she speaks

"Willow you need a mate. You have a mate waiting for you, how can you speak like that without even meeting them? and you cant seriously expect to run this whole pack on your own? You can't be serious" She says almost angrily but concerned.

"I don't want to be tied down to some other wolf, I can run this pack on my own, I'm strong enough mother, and what if I don't even have a mate" I lied, I knew I had one, my wolf knew it, My wolf quickly stirred at the way I was speaking about my mate, I ignored her of course as my mums face dropped a bit

"Excuse me? are you saying you truly don't think you have a mate? How can you expect to be an alpha when you don't have a mate, I don't believe it." My dad put his hand on her shoulder to calm her as he spoke calmly

"Willow, I couldn't even run this pack by myself, I'm not saying you're weak, I'm just saying you're stronger with a mate, Our park is one of the biggest packs in the area, and our land is also the biggest. You're an easy target willow you have to understand. I won't be around forever, neither will your mother. You were born with a mate for a reason, to protect this pack together, and bring us our grandchildren" My brother makes an 'ew' face at the thought of me having kids

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