Chapter 1

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On the morning of November 1st, 1981, a baby was found on the doorstep of the Dursley's number 4 Privet Drive, Little Whinging, Surrey, England. The baby had a mop of black hair and brilliant green eyes. But Fate and mother magic had other plans sending the baby boy to a loving couple in the .

Aiko was on her way home after coming from the market when she saw the flash of bright blue and the large, resounding boom, her curiosity got the better of her. The light led her to a dark, abandoned alleyway. And to a child, wrapped in several dark-colored blankets.

Aiko smiled at the sleeping child, her heart melting. It was a beautiful baby boy, no older than one year.

he had tufts of black hair and when the silent child opened his serpent-like eyes in curiosity of the movement, they were a lovely shade of emerald green. If Aiko didn't know any better, she would have said that she had given birth to the boy herself.

After only a moment of hesitation, Aiko made her choice. Scooping the baby into her arms, she just knew that her husband Tsubaki would love having a son. Knowing that they couldn't have a child on they're own. Smiling down at the sleeping baby Aiko said "come on my little one. so, we could meet your new father, though you do need a name. Oh, I know, how about Orochimaru, my little hatchling." Aiko only giggled when the newly name Orochimaru giggled in response.

~Meanwhile back in wizarding world~

"We can't Sirius. We need to prepare . We need to place all out focus on him."

Both Remus and Sirius looked at them in betrayal and disgust. We couldn't believe this was happening.

"Where would you sending him away? We all know James has no siblings. No one with half a brain would ever think it would be a good idea to send her to Lily's sister. She hates magic and everything to do with it. Harry wouldn't grow up happily there. So where do you want to send him? Huh! There IS NOWHERE!" yelled out Remus

Sirius was mad. his wand was clenched tightly in his hand. his knuckles turning white.

"Sirius, Remus, my boys-" I seemed to be cutting him off a lot.

"Don't. Call us. That."

They all seemed surprised but wisely didn't comment.

"Alright. Mr Black. Mr. Lupin By giving Harry to Petunia I could set up blood wards to protect him. It would be fool proof. It's for the best."

"No." Sirius ground out.

"Sirius. Please think about it. It's the best for everyone in the long run. You're being selfish. Letting your attachments get in the way." Said James

Everyone quickly realized that had been the wrong thing to say.

Sirius let out a cold, bitter laugh. "Well. Seeing that Remus and I are her godfather's I think I'm entitled to be attached. We'll put Harry's needs first. Seeing as his parents won't. Harry will NOT go to Lily's sister. We forbid it."

"You can't 'forbid it'. You don't have the authority. That lies will the parents and the law." Both Remus and Sirius turned to stalk away.

"Sirius! Remus!"

"That's Lord Black, and Lord Lupin to you!" both Sirius and Remus spat viciously. James physically recoiled.

"You made your decision. You'll live with it. The Noble and Most Ancient House of Black cut all ties to the Potters, Dumbledore and The Order of the Phoenix. From now on until I decide otherwise we are a neutral party. So, mote it be." Sirius said as "I Remus Lupin Noble House of Lupin cut all ties to the Potters, Dumbledore and The Order of the Phoenix. From now on until I decide otherwise we are a neutral party. So, mote it be." Remus said Magic swirled around both Remus and Sirius visibly before pulsing once and dissipating into them.

My name isn't Harry James Potter, I'm Orochimaru the snake sannin!Where stories live. Discover now