Chapter 3

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Sakumo watched as Orochimaru walk into his own personal bathroom. Once the door shut, he strode from Orochimaru office to use the bathroom that was down the hall form Orochimaru's office. After a brief clean up, Sakumo returned and waited for Orochimaru to rejoin him. He smiled gently as Orochimaru sauntered towards him and unashamedly grabbed his hand with a light blush on his cheeks as both walk out of Konoha's shinobi the science and research organization together.

~Time Skip~

Orochimaru looked around the restaurant as they followed the smartly attired hostess to their table. The restaurant was elegantly furnished and discretely lit by pendant lights and scones. They were led through the dining room and into a hallway with private rooms. The hostess opened a sliding door to reveal a traditional Japanese dining room and bowed politely as she gestured for them to enter the room.

Truth be told with the war going on. Orochimaru and the other Saninn's had never been into any restaurants due to going on constant missions to help their village win the war. So being in a high-class restaurant was first for Orochimaru.

"Please be seated. Your dinner will be served shortly. Please partake of the drinks and appetizers that are present on the table. If you need anything else, do not hesitate to let us know how we can serve or assist you. Please enjoy your evening at the Counting Kunai. We sincerely appreciate your patronage." She spoke in a clear and polite tone. With one last bow, she closed the door and left the couple in the room.

Sakumo bent down to take off his shoes before turning to see if Orochimaru needed assistance with his own footwear. The Saninn was staring bemusedly at the room, enchanted by the traditional low black furniture, tatami mats, and silkscreen decorations. It was a stark contrast from the modern dining area they just passed through.

" Orochimaru-kun, you have to take off your shoes before stepping on the dining platform. It's tradition and good manners." Sakumo called out, drawing Orochimaru's attention back to the shoe cabinet that was placed against the entrance wall.

"Oh! Sorry, I was distracted by the room." Orochimaru rushed over and quickly removed his sandals with Sakumo assisting him in maintaining his balance. After closing the shoe cabinet, they stepped onto the dining platform and sat down at the low table.

Sakumo patiently explained the assortment of appetizers that were present on the table and enjoyed Orochimaru's look of delight as he tried each one. They sipped their tea and engaged in light conversation over favorite foods and hobbies. Orochimaru was surprised to hear that Sakumo's favorite dish was sauteed enokitake served with any type of meat. He mentally reminded himself find more cookbooks. Sakumo hasn't surprised to learn that Orochimaru loved Dorayaki and Coffee jelly. However, the explanation that he never had sweets well growing up as a child concerned the young Hatake. He had the feeling that there was a story behind that statement – a story he would not enjoy.

Their conversation was temporarily halted when the servers appeared to place the rest of their meal on the table. There was a plethora of meats and side dishes placed upon the table. Orochimaru liked the noodle dishes and loved the grilled fish that was served. The conversation continued throughout dinner and gently slowed down during the desert of an assortment of daifuke and mochi cakes with fresh fruit. As they sipped small cups of sake, potent sexual tension built up between the two men.

Sakumo watched Orochimaru intensely, his black eyes focused on the sannin as the brunet licked his lips of elusive sake drops. Seeing the looks of heated arousal in the ninja's eyes, Orochimaru felt a bolt of confidence spread through him. The sannin gave a slow smirk and crooked his finger in a come hither gesture. The jounin gave a low growl in response and predatorily stalked to the other side of the table.

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