Hold your Hand

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Momo kneeled down to her and tried to apply much comfort as possible.

"Kai, it'll be fine" said Momo

"What do you mean fine?!" asked Kai "we're locked in this place!"

"I don't know how we're locked in here with being only in here for an hour" said Momo "but we're locked in until further notice..."

"I'm scared..." said Kai "it's all kinda dark, with a bunch of artifacts and creepy looking statues..."

"Don't be a whiney baby" said Minu

"Minu, stop it please..." said Momo "Anyways, don't worry we'll be fine nothing bad will happen-"

Momo heard the same 'cling' noise that woke her up again. This time, it was louder than before....

"That cling noise..." said Momo "where is it coming from?"

"What cling noise are you talking about?" asked Kai

"You don't hear it too?" asked Momo

Kai nodded 'no'... Momo sighed and started walking away from the door.

"Where are you going?" Asked Minu

"Finding where the cling noise is coming from" said Momo "I don't care if you two come with me or not. I just want you two to get along"

Just as Momo started to walk away, Minu and Kai rushed over to her and held her hands.

"What are you two doing?" asked Momo

"I wanna Hold your Hand" they said in unison

Suddenly, Momo and Kai started hearing the song Hold your Hand, playing from a distance...

"Eh?! where is that coming from?!" asked Kai

"Wait, you can hear it too?!" asked Momo

"Yeah" said Kai

"I don't hear it" said Minu

"Okay, no one cares" said Kai

"Kai, stop" said Momo "let's go find where it's coming from"

Kai and Momo walked from the entrance and started making their way to where they can find where the music is coming from.

"Wait for me!" said Minu, gripping onto Momo's arm

"If you wanted to come, why didn't you say so?" asked Momo

Momo and Kai followed the sound, shaking and sweating. They silently sang the lyrics of the song as they walked closer and closer to the spot where they heard it get louder.

"It's... In the sculpture exhibit?" wondered Momo

Nearly drenched in fear, and sweat, the three girls walked in quietly and slowly. They didn't want to break anything or make any loud sounds.

"Okay, now remember if we can find something that can possibly get us out of here, holler" whispered Momo

"What about if something goes wrong?" asked Kai

"We'll scream help" whispered Minu

"Okay, now remember, we aren't here to doze off into imaginary land and look at the sculptures or artwork" said Momo "we're here to find out where the sound is coming from and possibly find a way to get out of this place. got it?"

"Got it" said Kai and Minu in unison

The three girls nervously turned away from each other and started walking in their own directions. "Hmmm, I also noticed that Hold your Hand stop-". Momo's train of thought suddenly lost track. She heard Hold your Hand playing again. But, it was louder... louder than her ears could take it...

"AGH! YAMETE!" she yelled in agony

Kai had the same situation. She couldn't take the loud sound of Hold your Hand...

"YAMETE!" she screamed

Minu heard her two friends screaming. She didn't know why, she wanted to go over to them and help them. But, she was too afraid of what she could've seen if she reached to one of them.

"What is this sound they-"

Minu stopped and listened closely, and quietly... She heard Hold your Hand too. But, it was very faint. She didn't believe she heard it.

"No, it's only me hearing things" she said to herself "I have to search or an object to get out of here... for Momo, for Kai"

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