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Momo, Minu, and Kai went into the sculpture exhibit and looked around to see what could unlock the front door...

"I wonder if Minu or Kai are having better luck than me..." asked Momo "i'll go see how they're doing."

Momo pulled away from a sculpture she was carefully examining and walked around to find Kai and Minu... She looked in every single spot she knew in the sculpture exhibit.

"Kai? Minu?" Momo called out

She heard distant voices that sounded a lot like Kai's and Minu's. She quickly walked over to the voices. When she did, she noticed Kai trying to look under the drape that was over a new sculpture while Minu watched her.

"What do you think you're doing?!" asked Momo "we're tryig to find a way out of here"

"I'm trying to look under this" said Kai "I think there's something odd about this..."

Kai started lifting the drape over the sculpture... Momo tried to resist to see what was under there. But, her curiosity or the best of her and she helped Kai lift the drape off of the sculptures. When they caught a glimpse of it, it suddenly looked like their favorite Japanese band; Perfume...

"Oh my gosh" said Kai "so life like..."

"You can say that again" said Minu

"Their doing one of their poses in the Panasonic commercial ..." said Momo

A few seconds while staring at them, all three of their heads shifted into their field of view... Momo, Kai, and Minu quickly stepped back in fear... They watched as the mannequins started moving on their own, trying to bang the glass display case off.

"Kai, Minu, I know this is a stupid idea but..." said Momo "when in doubt... RUN!"

Before they could make their escape, Momo and Kai stopped. Leaving Minu running. But, she stopped and turned around to see the both of them turned to the mannequins direction.

"Feeling through my World..." sang Momo and Kai

"Momo! Kai!" Yelled Minu "it's a trap!"

Momo and Kai didn't listen to Minu. They kept walking like Perfume slowly walking in their ten year anniversary and JPN tour. The A~Chan mannequin pushed her display door slowly open and and held her arms out wide. Same happened to Kai and the Kashiyuka mannequin.

"It's like their under a simulation in the Divergent series" said Minu "where they can't hear or listen to me..."

Just as Momo and Kai were grasped by the mannequins, Minu grabbed the back of Momo's shirt and started dragging her away. Minu suddenly stopped... Feeling guilt inside herself... She turned back to see Kai being pulled into the display case. "I don't like Kai... But, Momo would be upset at me if I didn't get her too" thought Minu. She walked back towards the display cases and grabbed the back of Kai's shirt and pulled her out of the display case and ran off with all of the might that were in her legs. All three of the mannequins broke out of their display cases and started walking towards where Minu had run off.

"Momo! Kai! wake up!" yelled Minu

"Uh Minu?" asked Momo "we've been awake, but we couldn't get up as you dragged us..."

"I don't like you two sometimes" she said

"I love you too" said Momo, standing up

Minu's arms and legs ached with pain... She could barely stand. She dropped to the floor and laid there.

"Minu, i'm not that heavy" said Kai

"When you're pouring all of your weight to the ground you are" panted Minu

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