Chapter 1

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*Lacey's POV*

I soared through the sky. Every so often I landed on a roof then launching myself off into the night searching for a place to sleep, preferably a nice patch of grass. 

I had just flown all the way from America to France, I think my body deserves a rest. Normally I wouldn't bother with it because I couldn't let someone else know how weak I was, or that I was in pain, but I was accompanied by no one. So here I am giving my self the special treatment. 

Landing on a roof I questioned why I was even in the city of love? More like why love for that matter? Why couldn't I have chosen Japan, Russia, Africa, or even kept exploring the United States. Was it my love for Smokey still remained after he stabbed me in the back after claiming he was a 'Friend'. I shook my head while sighing, flapping my camouflaged wings every so often to keep me airborne. Well the past is in the past, I guess I just have to let it go.

*See what I did there :3*

But that's the thing about me I can't forget and can't forgive. I'm weird that way. It's been a whole year since my remaining family perished at the paws of my so called 'Friend', and here I am still upset.

Elegantly landing on a roof I paused, my blue tipped ears swiveled and my wolf nose twitched. I caught a couple making an attempt to hide from society, but here I was seeing them prove to each other they were meant for the other. One sang a song, while the other kissed their cheek, causing each of their faces to turn red. Averting my gaze I found the perfect spot to sleep, it was mostly hidden. Though it was in plain sight you wouldn't be able to spot it unless it was pointed out. Once done camouflaging the blue parts of my fur I curled up into a ball, preserving what heat I had and lay there for a while. Slowly drifting off to sleep, I swear I saw a streak of red.

*Marinette's POV*

"Tikki,-" I commanded. "-Spots off." With a flash of light my suit disappeared and my normal clothes were back in place. Running back to my home I realized it was the middle of the night. Once again not looking where I was going, I tripped on a something rather soft. After I tripped I got to my feet and examined the large black stick. Not too long after examining the object Tikki flew out of my purse. 

"Marinette." She scolded. "This is an animal." The ladybug kwami flew down to the end of the object lifting it up, revealing a paw. I bent down to pull away the branches of the bush hiding the thing. It only made me more curious. I was now kneeling so I could stoke the animals fur, amazed at how soft it was. It was only when I felt its side is when I got suspicious. It felt like it had a feathery but furry wing. 

"Tikki!" I looked for the little bug, but soon realized she was already inspecting the invisible wings. 

"Marinette. We need to take this with us. I feel like it's important." With that I whispered. "Spots on." Turning into to Ladybug was the only way I could lift this thing Tikki claims to be an animal. Lifting up the heavy winged creature I swung my yo-yo to wrap around the bar of my railing. Gliding through the air I landed without a sound and took the weird creature to my room.

For this story I plan on more kinda like this one anyways I hoped you peeps like it. :3

A life of Lies: Miraculous LadybugWhere stories live. Discover now