Chapter Five

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"Kyaaa~" A young female screamed. I heard an oof, my curiosity getting the best of me, I turned around. Finding the teen  I had caught earlier, pinning down Chat Noir.

* Still Lacey's POV*

A smirk tugged at the corners of my mouth. I was to busy choking back a laugh, attempting to seem professional. Yeah, that didn't end too well. A giggle escaped my lips, the smirk I was holding back now surfaced. The some what innocent cat  that was caught in the fangirl's attack turned his head in my direction. 

"She can even giggle, this is news to me." He gave me a grin, revealing his pearly whites. Once again the child I was keeping an eye on squeezed my hand reminding once again he was there. I  just had that feeling that the Cat man was getting on his nerves. I giggled once again, looking back at the boy. 

I should take him to his mother. He'd be happier there and not scared.

"Wait!" A female voice yelled. My eyes darted in her direction, my face painted in confusion. 

"Why do I have to wait." I questioned. "I'm currently standing still." I tilted my head slightly, due to my old habits. I avoided her bright gaze, since it probably would have blinded me. Wait can she read my mind? That would explain why she said wait. I was kinda debating if I should take the child back to his mom. No i'm thinking too much of it. Ug. I seriously need mental help. 

I sent my cold gaze her way waiting for a response.  "Uh, sorry." She apologized rubbing the back of her head nervously. "I thought it would get everyone's attention faster." 

"Well." The black cat paused, taking a moment to stare up at the girl on top of him. Smiling cheekily he asked. "By any chance could you set me free?" 

"Oops. I'm so sorry." She apologized. I raised a brow, suspicious of the girl. Was she genuinely sorry? Why does it matter to me though? Oh yes because she feels important. Sighing, I marched the child over to his mother. I heard a commanding beep at footsteps soon disappearing. My mind is too focus on the child to worry about the girl, plus I can always track her scent. 

*Child's POV*

As I stared up at my savior, I knew I loved her. It doesn't even matter if it's that childish love, it's pure and wholesome. My smile never faded while I was holding her hand, only when I saw that mangy stray send her a cheeky smile. Pff, I could smile for her anytime of they day, but I sure wouldn't smile if there was another woman on top of me. No no, I would immediately rush to... Uh what was her name again. Ah, yes, Unseen, or at least that what she wants to be called. 

My legs move with out me telling then to, but when they stopped in front of the woman I was assigned to, I could only smirk. Unseen, you sure have something coming. 

The agent that was acting as my mother pushed the power button on her phone. She narrowed her black lined eyes in my saviors direction. 

"Excuse me, Miss?" Unseen asked, her voice was gentle and soothing. Like a feather brushing against my ear, although, it didn't tickle. A buzz of the agents phone brought me back to reality. I was here to test Unseen, even though she didn't know it. The agent tapped her foot, glaring disaproving daggers in my direction. I looked up innocently at her. She cleared her throat. 

"I said." She paused seething with rage. "I'm not taking this child with me. He's too much trouble!" She finished the last word slicing the air with her hand. I looked back up at the one we were testing. To my surprise she didn't even seem fazed. 

To be honest I thought that line was dumb. "I'm not taking care of this child" Cheesy.

"Why won't you? All children are trouble, for your information." She combated the agents rage with a poisonous venom, each word soaked in it. As she delivered the blow, she continued to stare at a, I assumed, freshly baked cupcake.

"It all depends on how the child is handled." She returned to her usual monotone voice.

"Are you implying I'm a bad mother?" The actress screeched. Unseen's body tensed for a second, soon returning to normal.  

She nodded adding."A mother would have protected her child from the glass, not a stranger, a mother would have looked for her son, a mother would keep them safe in her arms,-" Unseen bent down to my level, my heart sped up at her action. Soon enough she wrapped her arms around me. I buried my face in the crook of her neck, sniffling to add effect.  "and a mother  wouldn't abandon a child!" 

That you so much for ready. Seriously, I appreciate it. I know your like what happened to the other characters. Well.. I'm kinda sleep dead but decided to finish this chapter. Anyways I hope you peeps like it :3

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2018 ⏰

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