Chapter 4

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"What's your superhero name, you know, so we have something to call you by." The black cat questioned. I thought for a second. Taking  a risk I replied. "Saule or Unseen. I hope I can fight along side you both again soon." And with that comment I took a step forward. A sudden grip around my leg left me stunned. 

* Lacey's POV *

Feeling a pair of skinny arm wrap around my leg I immediately checked to see what it was. Just my luck, I was caught in a child's embrace. It wasn't a bad thing at all though. 

One of my greatest weaknesses is young animals, in this case a child. I guess I let my guard down because of their innocent nature. My  genuine happiness is usually expressed around them too. I'm not creepy I promise, I think. 

Getting a better look at the small human I realized he seemed about four years old. There was a weird smell to him, but I dismissed it. He had brown hair that went in every direction. A bright smile was presented on his face. I scooped the child up into my arms. As the young human wrapped his arms around me, I winced internally. I could feel the glass lodged in my back again. Pain on my list was the last thing I needed to worry about. "Let's get your back to your mother. " I said with a genuine smile.  The brown haired child only examined my face.  

"Miraculous Ladybug!" I heard someone say passionately. Glancing around, I spotted the one dressed as a ladybug with a yo-yo in the air.  Soon flurries of ladybugs swarmed around the messy haired child and I.  Panicking I hugged the child closer to me, an attempt to be a shield. As the red bugs dispersed my pain faded. My eye's widened slightly. 

"Hey!" The cat-man called with an outstretched hand. I turned my head his direction,  returning to a bored expression.  His out stretched hand pulled back slightly. " You didn't hear our superhero names." He strolled up to me, I stood my ground, refusing to take a step back and act like a coward.  The closer he got the more sassily he seemed to walk.  As he strut over to me the child in my arms squirmed, in a way, asking to be set down. Gently setting the boy down he immediately intertwined his hand in mine.  

The cat finally got close, grabbing my free hand and kissing the back of it. I gave him a 'really' look, as he met my gaze. " I'm Chat Noir." He said with a wink. The child grip got tighter, I could only smile at how adorable the brown haired boy was when he hinted he was jealous. The cat-man looked surprised at my sudden mood change.   He must think that I smiled because he introduced himself. Oh well i'll just let him think that. 

"I thought you could only look like your gonna kill someone."

"You'd be surprised." I replied.  " And your name must have something to do with ladybugs?" I gestured towards the one dressed as a ladybug. 

"Yup, I'm Ladybug." Ladybugs earrings beeped a couple times. I stared at the earrings, trying to figure out why they beeped.  " Anyways, we'd better get going before we change back." She informed, as she swung in the opposite direction of the bakery. 

"Where is she going?" I questioned out loud. It took Chat Noir a moment to process.  

"Do you know Ladybugs secret identity?" He accused. I tilted my head at the comment, debating if i should tell the truth.  

"Uh, no." I snapped. Oops better tone it back a little. Returning to the monotone voice I added.  "I just saw her jump out of a building from the opposite direction and assumed she lived there." I stated with little emotion. The child squeezed my hand reminding me he was there.  Gosh how long was I making this kid wait.  Chat opened his mouth, but I cut the conversation short. "Bye."  I said turning around so my back faced him. Taking a deep breath I analyzed his scent, so if we ever cross paths again, specifically in civilian form I will know who he is.   

I was now staring at  the child, debating in my head.  Should I take him back to his mother. I'm beginning to have second thoughts on this. She couldn't even bother to see if her son was okay. She didn't even look for him. All I can hear is her  yelling again at the cashier. Her clothes seem designer, but the childs clothing what ripped in places. Geez how could you I have not noticed this.  Should I take care-  My thoughts were interrupted by and ear piercing screech. 

"Kyaaa~" A young female voice screamed. I heard an oof, my curiosity getting the best of me, I turned around. Finding the teen that I had caught earlier, pinning down Chat Noir.

 Thank all for reading this piece of trash I call a book. I know your like how could she not notice the girl that was akumatized? Welp my only answer to that is i'm lazy :P Anyways I hoped you peeps like it :3

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