Chapter 2

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Lifting up the heavy winged creature I swung my yo-yo, to wrap around the bar of my railing. Gliding through the air I landed without a sound and took the weird creature to my room.

*Marinette's POV*

"Tikki?" I asked my kwami. "What do you think it is?" I asked masking my concern. Once again petting this thing I plan on calling a dog.

"I'm not sure myself." Tikki responded.

"Do you think I can leave it be?" I said. Asking yet another question. "I mean, do you think I could go to sleep and be safe?" I said letting my concern slip. Tikki nodded vigorously.

"You don't have to worry at all Marinette. I know for sure this 'dog' won't cause anyone harm, well , anyone who hurts the ones closest to her will receive the harm. I assume." Tikki said it kinda proudly.

"Well, I think i'm going to go to sleep." I informed Tikki with a yawn. Before turning the lights of I scratched the dog behind their ear.

*Le Time Skip~ Brought to you by Chat's pawsitivly purfect puns :3*

*Still Marinette's POV*

I woke up to something pawing around my room. Immediately sitting up, realizing there was a 'dog' in my room. I jumped out of bed landing awkwardly, and attaching a collar to this thing. It just looked at me puzzled.

I need to become closer with this animal, But how? I read somewhere that if you let the dog sniff you first that you will slowly gain its trust. It was worth a shot. I held out my hand, then the dog slowly came closer. Every step was with caution. Soon the animals nose was centimeters away from my hand, the thing let out something that sounded like a sigh. Then closing the gap between us. My hand rested on her soft nose. Her ears twitch, rotating to the direction of my window. Her deep blue eyes reflecting an emotion I couldn't comprehend.

*Lacey's POV*

Why am I here? Where am I? What's going on? Who's she? When did I get here? Why do I feel safe?

Mind mind was going a million miles an hour, while still keeping my exterior calm. My eyes landed on the girl, her hair a dark shade of blue tied in two low pigtails. While my eyes were searching the room they landed back on the human in the room. We made eye contact, then she hesitantly stuck her hand out. I assumed she wanted me to smell it, I've seen dogs sniff humans

I inhaled a long breath trying to sniff out the emotion the girl was feeling.

A soft, gentle, scent filled my nose. Proving this human girl was indeed trustworthy.

My thoughts were finally connected as I realized I could trust this female with small things. Maybe if I befriend her I could trust her with more things.

I ran the thought through my mind one more time, contemplating if I should do this. Finally after a fee seconds of silence I pressed my muzzle into her hand.

She just looked at me surprised. I stared right back into her blue bell eyes in an attempt to read her emotion, but a failed one if I do say so myself. Breaking the attempted starring contest she glanced out the window to find chaos.

I just happened to see a car soar passed the window, then trees and lamposts.

"Oh no. If we don't stop this now the city will fall in to chaos." She said with a hint of worry. I stood up assuming she was hinting for me to help her out with the next struggle ahead.

"Tikki, spots on!" She said passionately

Before I could take a step the girl that I thought I figured out had one secret left, she was soon in a red skintight suit covered in black polka dots resembling a ladybug. She soon climbed up to her balcony and jumped off, throwing something with a string attached wich I assumed was a yo-yo.

Suddenly a smokey smell filled the air, within a minute it disappeared and reterned with an explosion.

I know my writing is trash but bear with me. Anyway hope you peeps like it :3

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