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I'm dedicating this chapter to Caramel_Fox


"can i have another marshmallow?"

taehyung was handed another treat (which he grabbed with two tiny hands, though he still had remnants of the first one stuck to his face), followed by whines from the other two maknaes. you pass both of them another marshmallow as well.

you and the boys, with their tiny santa hats, were snacking on marshmallows -you had hot chocolate- before deciding to open presents.

"pleaseee don't give them more," seokjin pleaded, "they're already way too hyper.".

"we are not 'too hyper', jin hyung. we're the perfect amount of hyper.". jungkook speaks up, his mouth full of marshmallow.

"be quiet and finish your marshmallow jungkook."


it was time to open presents, and the men made you close your eyes. when you could finally open them, there was a small booklet in front of you. each member had decorated two pages, and they had all worked on the cover. the pages were little pieces of brightly colored construction paper.

"do you like it?!"

you smiled as you flipped through the pages.

"i love it, thank you guys.".

"i told you they would like it!!"

"we all agreed with you, hoseok.".

you all spent the rest of the afternoon opening presents, eating marshmallows (despite jin's protests), and watching Christmas movies until you all fell asleep.


this was really short, i'm sorry. i've been out with family but i really wanted to update a christmas chapter before christmas (it's christmas eve for me right now).

i hope you guys enjoy and have really amazing holidays, and if you don't celebrate anything i hope you have a great break. ♡

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