4: Interview

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"What was one of the funniest moments on set?" The interviewer asked "We were filming the part where we empty our backpacks, And I was about to say my joke when Y/n starting flailing her arms and yelling 'WACKY INFLATABLE FLAILING TUBE ARM MAN!'  And it became a meme and we all did it randomly" The interviewer laughed "Tell me, Did Y/n ever get really mad on set?" "Yeah. We were getting ready for the part were I argued with Bill and Y/n backed me up, And we were getting her mad so it would be more real. Jaeden said he didn't like (Fave Show) and she started yelling/ranting to him how good it was. If you look closely at the scene, You can see Y/n mouthing '(Fave Show) is the best' over and over" "What was the weirdest thing you walked in on?" "I walked into Y/n's dressing room to see the cast watching High School Musical and everyone was screaming the lyrics to 'Breaking Free'"

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