chapter 14

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This chapter has no part of rey but plzzz don't skip it.
In this chapter you'll get some hint what happened in Kriya's past.....

And about the last chapter I forgot to ask what you think happened to rey that he left so sudden.......
Kriya's POV:

After sometime I and alex decided to go out for shopping and having some good time together it's really been long I hangout with him and I really need to get over with last night.

I took a quick shower and decided to wear the dress alex once bought for me the dress was really pretty and really my type which he honesty knows. It was a plain white dress with blue floral print which reach my mid thighs I paired it with white flats my hair still straight as before and wasn't in the mood to apply makeup.

 It was a plain white dress with blue floral print which reach my mid thighs I paired it with white flats my hair still straight as before and wasn't in the mood to apply makeup

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"U look beautiful" alex complimented me as I walked out of the dorm.
We made our way towards Alex's car it was a black Ferrari Spider 2015,[don't judge me I really have a thing for car , tell me in the comment section if you too] I knew he brought it on purpose. It was a gift for him on his 17th birthday by his dad and he knows how much I love it. I can say I have drove this car even more than mine.

"You brought it on purpose didn't you?" I asked alex

"I thought you missed it" he said innocently.

"So I get to drive it" I asked more like a command.

"Ofcource ma'am" he hanging the keys out for me. We got into the car and I started drive to a shopping mall through navigation.

After ours of shopping when I was finally satisfied and was running hell hungry we made it to a little restaurant in the mall it self.

"Well did you tell about last night to adi Bhaiya?" I asked hoping the answer to be no after we ordered our meals.

"No. I'm not stupid k I know he would have been over reacted and he wasn't in town too, his out on a business meeting." He said and I sigh in relief

"Thxx alex" I said meaning it

"So what happened last night" he asked

"Well... First of all I'm really sorry for being a bitch to u at the call and in morning when u were just caring for me, and about last night same...." I told his skipping the part of me being in rey room and the kiss.

"U need to be careful around these kind of people." He said

"I know" I said

"Well.... I heard from your dad" he said make me look at him.

"Dad! What from him?" I asked

"He called me 3 days prior, he was asking about you." He informed

"He called you to ask about me don't you think he should have called me" I said feeling angry

"Well no he called me because he need some business related work and he wanted me to Handel it as adi is out of town... And he also asked about you" he said

"As much as I know he loves me it felt he didn't care about me he didn't even called me since I shifted here..." I said looking down

"He loves you the most in this world kriya, you need to understand that. It's just that he didn't wanted you to come here after what happened. He is just pretty scared for you" his word again took me back and reminded me about that night.

"I know" I said not knowing what to say

"He don't want to lose u after he lost your mom" mention of my mom brought back all the memories of her.

"I miss her alex" I said holding back the tears

"I know Kriya, we all miss her but we need to get over with it" he said

I stayed silent, after a few mins of we both not knowing what to say alex break the silence.

"Well... Their are some good news" he changed the topic

"Good news?" I asked

"1. Your dad is not that much upset of your decision anymore,
2. His business is almost over and he'll be here to meet u soon,
3.your car will be here by Monday,
4. I got selected as the football captain." He finished and the three out of four(leaving about the car) I was really happy.
Finally I'll get to meet dad, he's not that upset anymore and alex being the football captain of his college team because he deserve it he is a great player.

"Damn I'm so happy congrats alex" I said getting up and giving him a hug.

"Thxx" he replayed as I seated back

We finished and now were heading back to the dorm on the way back alex told me that he is going to Seattle right after dropping me and will return on Monday to NY but stop in here to say high to me.

Car came to an halt and we stepped out I gave him a quick hug ,said buy and turned to leave when he stopped me.

"Kriya wait" alex said and I turn to face him again

"Yes?" I asked

"Kriya I wanted to tell u this from long while..... I mean Uhmm ask you..... I mean confess to you......" He confused me

"What it is alex?" I asked maybe knowing what was coming

"Kriya I know you have been going through alot over past few months, but I just wanted to say that I'll always be there for you no matter what? After today as I showed up so sudden, the only reason was that I love u a lot... not from now but from past so many years, I know u know that soooo I wasn't just able to stop myself" he said and I listen him silently I knew alex love me from a long while but I was never able to make myself love him romantically it was always just friendship for me.

"So I wanted to ask if u want to give us a try?"
So what u think Kriya will do?

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