Chapter 73

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By the time we both take a shower and lay back in bed it is almost four in the morning.

My eyes are burning from lack of sleep as I wake up due to someone talking. Rey is on his phone still besides me.

"Yeah, I remember" he said and cut the call turned to me.

"You're up" he says giving his deep smile.

"Good morning" I said returning the smile and wrapping my hands to his neck and bringing him to a warm hug. He wrapped his hand around my waist and making me totally lay on him. I rest my head in between the space between his neck and shoulder smelling his scent.

"I have to leave." He say after a few minutes.

"Nooooo.... We don't have classes, I want you to stay, I love you." I moan and burry my face in his chest.

"I need to go for practice I have a fight soon maybe tomorrow." he says the idea of Rey fighting makes me sick.

"Was the call about that only?" I ask looking at him. He nods

"Can I ask you a question?" I asked timidly.

"Anything." He said without a moments thought.

"Do you really like doing this?"

"Fighting is a way to get my anger out, and in all honesty it makes me a shit load of money. My college tuition is already paid because of all the fights I have won, and people from all around come in town just to see me fight, it's an amazing feeling really. I know my answer is sort of all over the place, but fighting is one of the only things I'm really good at, and having something you are really successful in makes you never want to give it up."

"Even if you get hurt?" I asked. Just the thought of Rey becoming severely hurt made my hands sweat.

"Even then. My trainer keeps telling me I could go professional, but I'm not sure yet. It's a big step if I ever decide to take it."

I hope you don't because then you'd have to leave me, I selfishly thought to myself, never allowing the words to come out.

"Kriya? Earth to Baatcutter!" Rey snapped his fingers in front of my face, bringing me back to reality. I just give him a kiss on cheek.

"I'm taking you out tonight" he ask turning us now I'm on bed and he on top of me looking straight in my eyes.

Where" I asked

"You have to wait and see" he said to which I pouted and he kissed me. I love this moment.


Soon rey left and The day went relatively quickly, and here I'm getting ready for my first date with Rey. I kept my makeup simple and blow dry my hair. I'm wearing a red dress as when I asked Rey about what to wear, he told me to wear something simple and formal coz the place is a bit sophisticated.

Before I knew it, Rey was ringing the bell downstairs. I found Rey wearing a white button up, and black jeans, an unusually decent outfit for him. I guess I should've expected it since he texted me to dress nice earlier.

"You look beautiful." Rey said, eyes taking in my dress and kissing my lips and giving me a warm hug.

"You don't look too bad yourself. I didn't know you even owned a nice shirt." It seemed that all rey had were solid colored shirts or ones with a band's name on them. With that, we got into Rey's range rover, setting off to our unknown date location.

A sign passed that said we were nearing Seattle, our campus is Washington but I never imagined Rey taking me here.


"Yes, ma'am. We're going to something I think you'll like."I decided to shut up at that and enjoy the large buildings passing by. The city is especially beautiful today seeming as the sun decided to shine through.

Finally, Rey pulled to a halt, stepping out and handing a valet his keys. This all came to a surprise to me, I didn't know he had enough money to pay someone just to park his car. I watched as he rounded the vehicle, and opened my door.

"Ms. Ghai." He swung the door open, bowing his head as I stepped out. I laughed loudly at him, earning glares from people passing by.

"Let's get inside, I don't want you getting cold." Rey hooked his arm around my own, leading me inside a large building. He walked to the front desk which a red head sat, typing away on her laptop.

"Hello sir, are you here for the show?" Rey simply nodded, showing her some sort of pass he had in his pocket.The red head told us to head on back, not seeming to care much.

As we followed the long hallway, it finally ended with large glass doors, behind it you could see a large art exhibit. Rey opened the door, allowing me to step through and practically be engulfed by hundreds of pieces of art.

They were everywhere you looked, whether it was a sculpture, painting, or random compilation of objects. Art was everywhere you looked, and it had some sort of gravitational pull on you.

I immediately walked up to a painting of a woman, so much emotion in her features that it couldn't be put into words.

"This one's not so bad." Rey's breath tickled my ear, I hadn't even noticed him walk up behind me.

"Have you been here before?" I asked, still looking at the painting before us.

"Yes, and each time the pieces seem to tell a different story."

"What does this one tell you?"

"She's clearly in desperation, possibly homeless if you look at her clothes closely." As I leaned in, I realized that there were in fact holes in her shirt.

"Reyansh, is that you boy?" Both Rey and I turned around, finding an older looking man with jet black hair, wearing an expensive looking suit walking towards us.

"Hello Nivam, this is Kriya." Rey's voice changed serious, introducing us quickly. Nicam and I shook hands, his dark eyes burning into my own. Why does his name sound familiar?

"She's a beauty Singhania. How are you enjoying my art Kriya?" Nivam asked with a sly smile.

"It's beautiful, you have a great collection." I said, it actually really was and I couldn't believe he owned every piece in this room.

"Pretty and respectful, very good Reyansh. How's everything been going with you?" Nivam asked, turning his attention to Rey.

"Everything has been good sir, nothing to worry about."

"Well that's good to hear, enjoy the art." Nivam winked, causing chills to run up and down my spine. He was a dangerous looking man, and gave me an unnerving feeling. Why this name sounds familiar.

Rey let out a relieved sigh, visibly relaxing.

"Who was that guy, and why were you calling him sir?"

"He's my boss, and he's pretty damn scary if you couldn't tell. Plus he's big on respect."

"Let's keep looking at art." Rey said, nudging me along to the next piece.

We looked at a few pieces until I found one actually interesting. It was a man and woman standing in the middle of a chaotic scene. They were looking straight ahead, a sort of deadness in their eyes.

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