Chapter Three

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    I walk around the town searching for her. I know I should have warned her, I knew it. If she's dead it's because of me. If her whole family's dead, it's because of me. She was my best friend and I couldn't tell her. Everything was to stay confidential, that's what the government made us sign a contract for. If we were to tell and them find out, they would off us. They would off me.

   The subjects are flesh eating monsters and I should have never let my parents throw me at them like that. I should have never given in. They used me in their project. They couldn't call me by my name, they called me subject N2O5768VVT9.

   The vaccine they used to try to make life better, where we wouldn't get sick and we could live longer than a hundred years. It failed horribly. They tested subject after subject but the laynexine they injected us with started making people sick. They would get a fever and become week, within minutes they would be dead and cold, ice cold. After a minute or two they'd wake up. Their eyes would be smokey gray, they could hear and smell things better, and one things for sure, they were hungry. They were hungry for one thing and one thing only. Human flesh.

   After more and more test results and keeping the infected locked in quarantine, they became stronger, more sensible and eventually the broke through the glass that kept them seperated. I was stuck in the glass bubble with them. I was bit and ripped open, but I healed quickly. The more they did to me the quicker I healed. I'm the one that was not a failure. The one that was progress. They didn't have a time to get to test me more. When the subjects got out they attacked and killed all living things in the building. Lock down couldn't stop them.

   Eventually they had gotten out to the real world. Killing innocent people. Tearing them limb from limb. Them people turned. Everyone turned and if they didn't it's because they weren't strong enough in the first place.

   Dr. Leslie, the one who created this horrible creature was killed. But as I went through the documents of my file, I once was one of the subjects. I had turned just like them but something had happened and no one knows what it was. I became human again, I was alive in every way possible. I was stronger and could hear and smell things better but I don't attack people. I live off any old regular food. Without it, I die.

   So here I am, walking the streets of the old broken down town where I lived. Where she lived. I now know that I'm meant for good things and that I need to find her so that I can protect her. So I can protect her family.

   I place my hand over the locket, hooked to a chain around my neck. I had them personally made for me and her. These lockets are they key. When I became a test subject, I hid the injection inside of the metal. Metal that is unbreakable through anything. You wouldn't know it was in them if I didn't tell you. As I always say...

    "The world will stand at it's tallest if you fight for it. That is how we survive to be happy"


I know that this chapter is short, but aren't you wondering who this person is? Who could it possibly be? Who is she searching for? Does that saying sound familiar at all? And who's wondering what was in the wooden box the Mary left Rosalyn? What did she mean she knows the truth?

  I know this  book is kind of short chartered and not very detailed but as I go on, I will assure you it is very detailed as it goes on. The first chapter after all, is all that Rosalyn remebers. The question is. When did the outbreak accure? When did Rosalyn's sister die? It is all a twist, because Rosalyn realizes that she doesn't remember much and that the first chapter was just what she remembered.

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