Chapter Four

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*Rosalyn's pov*

      I stare blankly at the pictures. They're of her and Lilly hanging out. Photos that I had never known was taken or at least don't  remember. Tears streaming down my face I find a letter. A letter that had my name on it. It was written a while ago it seems because the pen was faded out and the color of the paper was turning a dark yellow/orange.

  Opening the letter carefully I read;

         Hey sissy. The only reason you are reading this letter is because something happened to me. I've either turned or been killed. I know I'm not much of a big sister and that I can't protect you how you protected me. There's something I need to tell you... Lilly, she's one of them. I have pictures in the envelope and all the out breaks in the United states documented in that one huge envelope. Lilly was a subject, her parents forced her to go and be a test dummy. They injected her with a weird virus that turned everyone who they are today. It became contagious.  It spread quick and fast. I wanted to warn you that she's coming for you and I don't know if she is alive or one of those feeders. I know she will not stop on see you. She will not give up until she has you. I need you to trust whoever there is that has survived. The more people your with, the safer you are. Now remeber that I love you more than anything in the world. You are my one and only sister in the world and I get that I was a bad one at that but I cannot let you down. You cannot let yourself down. You must stay strong. Don't give into people. I hope one day, you can get to second base like I did and have someone to tell all about it. There's some more things I have left you in this box. I hope you always remember that sweetheart.

                                 Love always,
                                           Mary <3

    My eyes were blurry from all of the tears pouring out. I felt a pair of arms wrap around me but I couldn't move. I couldn't breathe. My heart was shattered to pieces because, my parents died,my only sister died, and my best friend helped start all of this apocalypse.  She killed my family. She'll die too.

I fold the letter up and shove it into my shorts pocket, and then I continue to go through the box. There's articles from the news paper about outbreaks in other countrys.

   It's not just us... it's other countrys. We were last to hit by looking at the dates on the articles.

    As I dig deeper into the box, there's a ring. It's beautiful, it has a bright red diamond surrounded by clear ctystals, the metal was gold and shiny. I pick it up with my thumb and pointer finger. It's cold against my skin, really cold. I pull it close to my chest, and the longer I hold onto it the more the ice cold metal gets warm. There's words engraved on the bottom, inside. I love you always, Rosalyn.

    I place the beautiful ring onto my left hand ring finger. It fits perfect. It is perfect. My cheeks are wet and rosey red.

   This just doesn't seem real... maybe it's all a dream.  I couldn't have possibly lost everyone I love... Everyone who's kept me going...

   I look behind me at the people in the room with me. I had questions that needed answering. I look back at the box a gently close it. I will finish this later when I'm stronger, if I'm stronger.

The EndTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang