Kirito, Alice, and Eugeo

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Eugeo: Well you know Kirito and I am Eugeo nice to meet you Alice

Alice: Nice to meet you too Eugeo, Kirito

Kirito: Well Like I said our Mission is to defeat the unjust system of the Integrity Knights and restore peace to the underground but doing it with two people is difficult so Alice do you want to join us

Alice: I do but not as a member of your team but as friends

Eugeo: Okay got it

Eugeo: Well Alice you should know something about Kirito Night Sky Sword and how it came into existence

Alice: What is it

Kirito open his menu and showed her the dual blades skill.

Kirito: I am the only person capable of using dual blades but for some reason I can't use it but in the past I was able to use it with no problems. So I had to relearn all my One handed sword skills


Alice: Kirito your sword is glowing

Kirito: What...

Just for a second the Night Sky Sword took the shape of the Elucidater then transformed back

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Just for a second the Night Sky Sword took the shape of the Elucidater then transformed back

Alice: Elucidater what is it

Kirito: Elucidater is the name of my original sword before it got destroyed



with Elucidater and Dark Repulsar Kirito performed a 16 hit combo

Kirito:... No Choice "ECLIPSE"

and with that Kirito unleashed his most powerful attack but then


Both Elucidater and Dark Repulsar was destroyed.

To the Present

Kirito: And thus that what happened to Elucidater

Alice: But why couldn't you repair it

Kirito: I would if I could but due to the fail safe to protect me Elucidater will never reform again

Eugeo: Compared to the Night Sky Sword I  believe that the Elucidater spirit exists in this form

Kirito: however that was the first time it changed shape like that

All:...lets get going

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