Chapter 24

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warning- you will probably cry
( told you the angst wasn't over, and it's just now getting to it's worse )
warning #2- my writing's shit:)

Viktor and I walked awkwardly into the nearest restaurant, it's exterior a dull grey, but, nonetheless, brought the look of it all together.

"Hello," the hostess smiled, her short, curly hair falling over her eyes, teeth perfectly white and straight. "Two?"

Viktor nodded, smiling in return.

"Alright, follow me," she said, her voice jumpy and encouraging.

Viktor and I did as told, being led across the restaurant, our table just next to an elderly couple, a boy who looked to be around fifteen sitting across from them.

I stared for a moment, before I snapped out of it and took a seat across from my boyfriend.

"Alright, so we're low on waiters and waitresses at the moment," she sighed, showing us a closed lip smile. "I'll be your waitress, although I may also be helping some people at the door. I'm sorry if there's a slight delay at times."

I just nodded, smiling.

"It's alright," I said. She glanced over at me, before her eyes trailed back over to Viktor, and the smallest, gentlest smile fell over her lips. It was hardly noticeable.

Then an idea came to my mind.

"Oh, wait, miss?" I called, just as she began to walk to the door to help someone. She sighed in relief as another hostess helped them find a table. "Are you hiring?"

Viktor's head snapped up.

"Actually, yes, we are," She smiled, her eyes glowing a bit. "We've been losing workers lately due to university students. It's difficult around here, we're willing to give jobs to just about anyone,"

I rose an eyebrow.

"I'll take an application," I smiled. She breathed out in exasperation.

"Great!" She laughed, before pulling out a piece of paper from her apron and handing it to me. "We'll really need it,"

"There is one problem, though," I said, sighing. "I'm t—"

"He's a professional figure skater," Viktor cut me off, as nicely as possible although he was sending me a harsh glare. "He's constantly busy in the mornings and afternoons with that. And he has competitions in a month."

I scoffed, looking away from him.

"That's okay," she said, shrugging. "We can work around it, we're just extremely desperate right now,"

I grinned. "I'll come back to hand in my application tomorrow, then."

She smiled in the midst of pulling out a notebook and pen.

"Can I get you two something to drink?"

"I'll have green tea," I said.

Viktor asked for a coke, and then she left, leaving Viktor and I in a tense silence. I was almost scared of what he would say.

"A job?" He hissed, putting his head in his hand. "Why the fuck do you need a job?"

I flinched. Why was he so angry about this?

"I'm an adult," I snapped back, crossing my arms. "I can't keep solely focusing on playing around on a hunk of ice. I need to learn responsibilities, and this is my start. Besides, I need money,"

Viktor's eyes flashed with a look of hurt.

"Playing around on a hunk of ice? Is that all you see figure skating as?" He mumbled, obviously trying to hold back the hurt in his tone.

I shrugged.

"Skating means the world to me. You know that. But I need to learn reality at some point."

He rolled his eyes, biting his lip.

"If money is what you fucking want, you have a boyfriend with tons of that," He snapped, and my mouth fell open in shock.

Why was he so full of himself all of a sudden?


"And if all you see skating as is a game rather than a lifestyle, then why the hell did I even come here in the first place!" My eyes flashed agony at his words. "Why am I wasting my time if you don't take any of this shit seriously?"

"W—wasting your time?" I scoffed, tears building in my eyes. "So I'm a waste of your time, huh."

"Well yes, if the sole reason I'm here is something you actually don't give a damn about!"

My eyes widened in shock.

And that's when the tears began to fall, and I saw it in his eyes.


He sighed, obviously about to come up with some phony excuse to blow himself off.

"So," I whispered, looking down at the table, my hands shaking. "Basically, I'm just your fame gainer. You didn't come because you wanted me, you came because you wanted what I had to offer. I guess I'm just a toy that you can play around with for your sick amusement. You lied to me, you told me you didn't care about my skating, that you wanted to be here because you couldn't imagine a life without me. Was that a fucking lie? Because from what I'm hearing, it was. And it still is. If the sole reason you're here is for my skating, then why'd you take me to be your boyfriend? Why even bother being nice to me? Why even bother saying phony shit like 'I love you' when all you love is the fame of my skating!" I started yelling, but honestly, I couldn't care less anymore. As he stared into my eyes, I could see the color draining from his own with every syllable that fell from my lips. I was trapped in a whirlwind of emotions. We just got over our biggest obstacle, but now another was building up. At least I had told Viktor countless times I still cared about him and loved him and that the reason I was doing what I was doing was because I cared about him more than anything! I didn't have hope now, because he straight out told me that he wasn't here for me. He was here for my skating. And if he was gonna leave over such a thing, then I'd test him. Fuck, would I test him.

"If the sole reason you're here is for my skating," I tripped over my words, sobs racking through my body. "Then I guess you're leaving. Because I.."

His eyes widened.

"I quit. I quit figure skating."

I slammed a ten dollar bill on the table
and then I ran out.

oh my god
i just thought of that at last second let's see where it goes
vote and comment please i love you all

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