Chapter 25

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DOUBLE UPDATE- make sure you read 24
warning- you'll scream and probably cry

I cried, and it wouldn't stop. Everything. The taunts, the endless nights of worrying over possibly being deceived, the lost hope and unproportional amount of deathly sadness in my chest. It was killing me, ripping me to the core, tearing me open so that it could dig its nails into my fragile, once content heart. So that it could feed my heart false hope, mentions of something that could've been possible. A love with someone so beautiful even life itself couldn't compare and could fall into in an instant. There were so, so many reasons I wanted to turn around, to work this out with those perplexing, calming yet rippling blue eyes as sparkling as the ocean. He was my hope, for so, so long; but it's over. I'm done. Done with the countless arguments, with the plastic tears that he generated for a show and fake imprints of "I love you" onto my skin and heart. I gave him my heart, my body, my soul, my virginity, my mind, my sanity. I gave him my sanity. Because I certainly didn't have it anymore.

I couldn't go back to that house. Not for a while, anyway. I would text my parents.

I pulled out my wallet, sighing breathlessly as I leaned against a light pole and checked how much I had on me.

Luckily, it deemed to be enough for a couple nights at a hotel.

I glanced down at my feet, tears filling my eyes.

I had been saving this money for months on end, doing countless chores and mini jobs to earn enough to do one thing and one thing only; buy Viktor the best, most genuine gift for Christmas that I could offer.

Well, Christmas or Birthday. They were both on the same day.

I had a feeling I wouldn't be needing that anymore.

I sighed, running a hand through my hair as I thought things through. Could I really run away from an argument like that after making such a bold statement?

'I quit. I quit figure skating.'

I shivered at the thought. I loved skating, more than life itself. Anyone who knew me knew that. But I did have to learn to live without it, by getting a part time job or my own apartment so I would be ready for retirement. I had initially thought I wouldn't be skating past thirty, anyhow.

I frowned.

Looks like I wouldn't be skating past twenty four.

I closed my eyes, resting my head in my knees as I slid down to the ground. I was so, so stressed. I didn't know how much longer I could do this for.

I began to drift off there accidentally, my thoughts beginning to grow fuzzy as my mind shut down.


My eyes opened in a jolt, and my head jerked up, searching for the owner of that yell.

What I saw made my eyes widen and stand up, backing up slowly.


"Yuri, please just li—"

Now I was angry.

How dare he follow me after what he said?

Nevertheless, though, tears built up in my eyes and I turned around, running off as fast as I fucking could.

"Yuri! Stop!" He yelled, his footsteps growing louder by the second as he caught up, and I pushed my legs harder, too much to the point where they began to fuel a fire, burning so extreme it ripped through my bones and gave everything out, and I fell to the ground, rolling for a few seconds before I halted to a stop. I clenched my teeth, clutching my arm tight. It must've broken, it hurt so damn bad, but that was the least of my worries in that very moment.

He was gaining on me, and I tried to stand up, adjusting to my balance and clutching my knee.

I must've hurt that too.


God, that voice.

That fucking voice.

That voice that had deceived me, that told me it cared about me, when in reality all it cared about was my abilities.

He wanted me for nothing more than just his own damn selfishness.

And I would never forgive him for that.

"Yuri! I'm—"

All I remember was that he was crying, screaming, begging for me to come back to him. And for a moment, my heart ached for him, but soon it ached for another reason, something so bone crushing and brutal that the world floated in slow motion.

"Yuri!" And then he looked to the right, and his eyes widened, his face ripping into a frail scream and his eyes overflowing with tears.

"Yuri, Ru—!"



My Exception | V.N Y.K [Book 2] - Discontinued Where stories live. Discover now