Chapter 26

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Third Person POV
Viktor couldn't think. His vision was tripped out, his head not on correctly. As soon as he had seen the scene play out before him, he knew he had made the biggest mistake of his life.

He should never have let his jealousy come in the way of his rationality.

Viktor would admit; he should have never let those words fall from his mouth at that restaurant, and he regretted every single word he said. But he was so upset, so upset at the thought of not being able to see Yuri as much as he could. He hated the thought that every single second Yuri was off the ice he'd be in a restaurant working for other greedy eyes to look him up and down. He hated the thought. He hated it.

He couldn't admit that jealousy to Yuri, though, and so he came up with an excuse on the spot; an excuse that could've costed his love's life.

If Yuri died from this, he would never forgive himself. Never.

The words Yuri said in that booth tore Viktor apart. He just looked so fragile, so heartbroken, and every second of it was Viktor's fault. In the process of Yuri's heart breaking, Viktor's was as well, because Yuri had his heart in his hold.

Viktor belonged to Yuri.

Tears wouldn't stop falling.
Flashbacks wouldn't stop taunting.
His head wouldn't stop spinning.

Viktor fell to the concrete in front of the hospital, the sky dark with night as he clutched his hands over his ears, sobbing.


The scene wouldn't stop playing over in his head.


"I can't do this," Viktor mumbled to himself, his hands shaking in anxiety. "It won't g-go away,"


The platinum haired man glanced back, heavy breathing and static hearing in his system. He calmed down just the smallest bit when he saw Minako, Yuko, Takeshi, and Yuri's parents all running towards him.

But he couldn't stop crying.

Minako was the one to run up to him the fastest, getting down onto her knees where Viktor rested and putting her arms around his neck. He was shaking, his walls were breaking and any second now he would probably have a panic attack, he wondered why he hadn't yet.

"It's okay," Minako whispered, her voice cracking as she rubbed the man's back and attempted to reassure herself. "Yuri's strong, h—he's going to be.. Okay.."

She rested her head on his shoulder, crying the smallest bit.

"I—If he i—isn't I'll k—kill him,"

Viktor wanted to laugh, but he didn't have the strength. Nobody did, everyone was crying, except for Takeshi; he just had a very, very worried look on his face as he held tight to his wife. Even Yuri's father was attempting to hold back a few tears.

"I—It's okay," Viktor sighed, standing up with Minako rested on his shoulder. He hugged her a little. "I—It'll be alright,"

Even he didn't believe his words.

The way that car smashed into him was bad. Yuri flew, and his shoulder smashed against the concrete. It didn't help that the car was a jeep either, extremely hard material, and going at least forty miles an hour.

There was a skyrocketing chance that Yuri.. He wouldn't make it out alive.

And that thought drove Viktor insane.

"W—We should go inside," Yuko said, walking up to put a hand on Viktor's shoulder. "Once we get in there, can you tell us what exactly happened?"

Viktor's eyes widened. He didn't want them to think he was using Yuri, because that wasn't the case at all.

"I—I honestly d—don't remember," Viktor lied, attempting to persuade. "It's fuzzy."

Yuko's gaze narrowed slightly, but nonetheless, she nodded.


The group of them walked in through the front entrance of the hospital, tears in their eyes and worry in their hearts as the majority of them, with the exception of Viktor and Yuri's mother, sat down in the waiting lobby.

"H—Hello," Viktor said to the woman behind the desk. She glanced up at him from underneath her glasses. "Y—Yuri Katsuki, please."

The woman, who seemed to be in her late thirties, clicked a few things on her computer before her gaze fell back onto the pair.

"Not allowing visitors at this time," She said, her face mutual. "Sorry, but you can wait over there."

"W—wait, um," Viktor said, his face flushing light red. "C—Could you just tell me his condition at the moment?"

She sighed.

"Yes," She mumbled, "He's currently undergoing urgent head scans and surgery on a few body parts. That's as much as I know."

Viktor smiled, thanking her, before the two of them sat down with the rest.

"What'd she say?" Takeshi spoke up.

"He's going through some 'urgent' head scans," Viktor sighed, placing his head in his palms. "And a couple different surgeries, apparently."

Yuko sighed, shaking her head.

"What about the Grand Prix?" She asked. Viktor's eyes widened.

'I quit. I quit figure skating.'

Guilt. That's all Viktor felt.

"U—Uh," Viktor mumbled, "I d—don't know. Probably not happening now, the prix is in five weeks."

"Well," Minako spoke up, "He was doing amazing. And we all know that. But I just want to make sure he doesn't overwork himself and get hurt again, and if that means no competing, then no competing."

Viktor nodded.

He couldn't agree more; even though they'd worked so hard, and he had come here to be Yuri's coach, he meant not a single word he said in that restaurant. He cared about Yuri and Yuri alone; if his safety and happiness meant no skating, then alright. Viktor just wanted to be with him.

"He'll be crushed," Yuri's mother whispered, "But it's necessary."

Viktor gulped.

"H—He'll b—be okay," He said. "He'll understand."

That's if he even makes it out of this alive.

It fell silent for a few minutes, before Viktor opened his mouth to say something, although soon being interrupted.


Viktor's head whipped up, Yuri's mother's hand raising up into the air.

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