Chapter one: The Beginning

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Hi... um, I don't quite know how to begin. Well, okay... here I go. My name is Kristy, but my friends call me Kriss. I am 14 years old and an all natural girl. I don't wear makeup, it's just so incredibly uncomfortable to have on your face. I have deep green eyes and rose-redish lips and a long blond hair down to just above my waist. My skin is quite pale, I easily get burned in the summer and it's impossible to get a tan.

I guess I like sports. Just not watching them or playing them... or really anything about them.
Okay okay, I'm not a sporty. So what?

I like art and school. I guess that I have good grades. I try my best but I know I can't get straight A:s.

Right now it's September. School has started again and I feel.... How do I put this gently?
I feel really -bad- about it. I mean, I have friends, great teachers, good grades. What more could you possibly want?

Well, this is rather what I don't want. I don't want Jacob in my class. Jacob who? Let me tell you...  Jacob is the typical popular guy that no one is supposed to like. Well, at least that's how I see it.

Jacob is what you could call a player. He has a new girlfriend about every week, month or whatever time it takes for him to grow sick of them. He jumps from one girl to another without any second thoughts and for some irrational reason every girl wants him (Except me of course) and every guy wants to be him.

It's really annoying when a guy like that gets to be "the golden boy". All the teachers see him as a perfect student and all the students see him as "Mr Popular" or "Pretty Boy"


Well, now you know a little about me and my horrible rival, let me tell you what happened with Jacob earlier today.

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