Chapter seven: What about now?

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Hi again! So I told you what happened the first day of school. Some time has passed since then. Right now it's about a week later, but I need to tell you what happened after that day.

When Abbie had opened the door Jacob just looked at me and then mumbled that he had to leave.

"What was that all about?" Abbie asked.

When she saw that I had been crying she opened her mouth but no words came out.
I gave her a pleading look and she understood exactly what it meant.

"Guys. Kriss says that she doesn't feel well. We better all go. I'll stay and make sure she's fine." She yelled to the group.
I heard a couple of disappointed mumbles as Logan, Byron and MacKenzie exit my house.

Abbie sat down next to me. At first we sat quiet for a while.

"Do you want to tell me what happened?" She asked.

"I don't quite know what happened actually..." I said.

When I was done telling Abbie about everything that happened she sat quiet again.

"Wow. Um, I'm so sorry I made you go through that." She said

"No, no. I think that maybe we can finally get along now"

"Kriss. I don't think... that's a good idea" Abbie said slowly.

"What do you mean?" I asked confused.

"All I'm saying is that this sounds an awful lot like a play"

"Ha? I don't understand?"

"Well, for a player like Jacob this sounds like a trick" Abbie said

"I don't know. It felt really sincere... And he was super upset when I called him f***boy" I said.

"I'm telling you, Kriss. You're lucky he didn't try anything"

Of course I didn't tell Abbie about the almost-kiss. That I kept to myself. It barely even happened, and we both were so vulnerable!
The next day in school I felt uncomfortable. I didn't know what to do if I would run into Jacob, and it was a pretty good chance I would, since he is in my class.

It first happened at first period. I was sitting in my seat, talking to Byron who sat in the seat behind me.

"What did you think of Jacob?" He whispered. "Oh, and sorry about that whole Abbie locking you in a bathroom thing, we all wanted to let you out but she said this was the best day to make peace"

"No no. We were the ones who started the screaming match, we deserved to be locked away. Just, maybe not for an hour this time?"

Byron chuckled and smiled. A second later he snapped his fingers.
"Oh yeah! I was thinking earlier-"

"That's new" I laughed.

Byron gave me a look before continuing. "My family's got a cabin up in the mountains. My dad's dragging me up there during autumn break in a few weeks" Byron started  "I agreed as long as I could bring a few friends. I've already asked MacKenzie and Abbie. They're both free. Can you come?"

"I think so. Who else are you going to ask?" I said.

"Just the gang. Logan and then Jacob, although I'd love to stay a weekend with only you babes, we need some testosterone on the trip" Byron winked as he said babes and I could only laugh.

"There's plenty of testosterone with only you" I teased.

"Yeah, Yeah. But are you okay with Jacob coming? You know, after what happened last week?"

I shrugged, not really listening anymore. I was looking at the doorway instead. As soon as Byron said his name Jacob walked through the door. Our eyes met for a second before I turned my face away.
As he walked passed me he said a short "Hi!" making me look up before he sat down next to Byron. I could hear a "My man!" from Byron and the boys did a fist bump (how lame isn't Jacob for a f***boy?"

As class started I had a hard time concentrating. I was trying to hear the conversation between Byron and Jacob as Byron told Jacob what he had just told me. When Byron was finished Jacob hesitated to answer. I could feel his stare in my back before he answered...

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Nov 11, 2018 ⏰

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