Chapter four: What they really think

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It was later that same night, well, just a few hours ago to be exact. It was a normal Thursday evening, just around half past six. I was just waiting for Byron, Logan, MacKenzie and Abbie. Oh, and our "mystery guest" of course.

Byron still hadn't told us anything about him. Well, except the fact that it is indeed a he. As I was waiting for the guys to come I took out a few take out menus from a drawer in the kitchen. My parents had agreed to go out for a few hours so that we could have the house for ourselves. They also told me to order take out food, since they thought this was a great opportunity to go to dinner by themselves.

Suddenly I heard someone ring the doorbell. I rushed to the door where I found Abbie holding MacKenzie pinned to the ground. "Help! She's going crazy!!" Abbie said.

"Should I wear my hair up or down. Eyeliner or not? Eyeshadow? Should I wear pink or black eyeshadow. Maybe white with black eyeliner..." A flood of words kept flowing out of MacKenzie's mouth.

"She's talking constantly!! She won't calm down!!" Abbie said while putting a hand over MacKenzie's mouth to finally get a word in. I could still hear MacKenzie mumbling behind Abbie's hand.

I sat down next to MacKenzie.
"Mac, Mac!!" I said waiving my hands.
"Oh, Hi Kriss!" MacKenzie mumbled behind Abbie's hand and looked at me as she had seen me first now.
"Abbie? Why are you on top of me? And why am I on the ground?" She continued as she looked around in confusion.

"What is wrong with you today?" Abbie asked as she let go of MacKenzie.

"I'm sorry that I'm all... weird... today. It's just. I NEVER get the chance to meet up with Byron outside of school!!" MacKenzie said hysterically.

"What are you talking about? We see him all the time!!" I said in confusion.

"No. You see him all the time. You, Logan and Byron. I just tag along when I can" MacKenzie said with a sad look on her face.

Suddenly Abbie opens her mouth.
"Kriss, Mac is right. You and Logan have been best friends since forever. Therefore it's always you guys hanging out outside of school. Byron just comes with Logan, and then I come too sometimes. If you haven't noticed Mac tries to come as much as possible."

"Wow. I had no idea!" I stumbled out.

As I opened my mouth to say something more I got interrupted by someone.

"Are you guys okay?"
It was Logan. With a confused face he switched from looking between me, Mac and Abbie.

"No. We're fine!!" We all said in a choir standing up from the ground.

"Uh, where's Byron?" MacKenzie said while fixing her hair.

"Isn't that him over there?" Logan said pointing over across the street.

"And who's he with?" Abbie asked.

"It's..?" MacKenzie said

"OMG!" Abbie cried

"Jacob..." I almost whispered

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