Chapter five: Story telling

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"Oh my god! What is HE doing here?"
I was standing in a corner whispering to Abbie.

Byron had brought Jacob to our little hangout night. And if Byron doesn't know that I hate Jacob, how stupid is he? We talk about how much I dislike him All. The. Time!

"I guess he is the best friend Byron's always talking about" Abbie replied whispering.
"But I HATE him! And now he's inside my home!" I whispered again
" I know!! You've said that a million times already!!"

That's when Abbie had about enough. She just walked over the rest of the gang.
"What's up?" She asked

I heard Byron starting to tell a story about what he and Jacob did this summer. I must say, the parts I heard sounded amazing and interesting, but I couldn't tell them that. I felt neglected and lonely. When I finally walked over Byron was right in the climax of the story.

"Well, well. You finally decided to join us" Jacob said with a devilish smirk on his face as I walked past him.
"I just had to take a phone call, not that it's any of your business" I replied
"Who called?"
"None of your concern"
"Hey! I think I know that guy" Jacob said, smiling at his own joke.
"Ha ha ha. Hilarious!" I rolled my eyes
"So how did you answer this phone call?" Jacob continued asking, now with a mocking voice.
"With my phone, da?" I said.
"Oh really? It just looked like you were over there staring at me with a psycho killer look on your face" Jacob said.

I opened my mouth to say something, but then just closed it instead.

"Aha. Just what I thought" Jacob said again and smirked. "If I didn't know better I'd think you're into me"

My chin dropped. "Uh, excuse me?"

"Chill, smarty pants. I'm just joking, alright?" Jacob said. He let out a chuckle.

I turned away, facing Byron. I was trying to concentrate on his story, but I could feel Jacob's starting in at me from his seat.

After a while of talking school, telling stories and joking around, Byron made one last attempt to make us laugh. Only MacKenzie had laughed, but she has her reasons. As Byron told the punchline I could hear MacKenzie once again.

"What the fudge?!" She laughed out.
We all started at MacKenzie.
"What?" She said and shook her shoulders "You're not supposed to swear"

A moment of silence. Logan was the first to speak. "Yeah, I know.... but Fudge?" Logan asked
"Don't listen to them. I think it's sweet" Byron said and smiled at MacKenzie.

"LAME" Jacob coughed underneath his breath.

I just snapped.
"Why do you say such things! Are you just made to be mean? Can't you be nice for one single minute? Are you incapable of that?" As I uttered the words I could feel my body standing up from my seat.

"What's your problem" He said as bounces up from his seat as well.

Soon we we're in the middle of a screaming match, face to face. He looked like he was ready to kill me.

"Enough you two!!" Abbie shouted.
We both stopped in our tracks and faced her.
Then Abbie grabbed us by our arms and dragged us into the nearest room (it happened to be the downstairs bathroom) and threw us in. Then she put a chair under the door handle on the outside, locking us in.

"Abbie?! Let us out!!" We both said as we banged our hands against the door. And desperately tried to push the door open.
"Not until you make up!" She said through the door.

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