Chapter six: Locked away

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"Happy?" I said and kicked the door in frustration.
Jacob sat on the edge of the bathtub as I spoke to him. At least half an hour had passed of silence.

"Whatever..." he said
"You are the reason we're stuck here!" I attacked.
He looked up on me. His eyes were cold but he kept a perfect poker face.
"If you say so"
"Ugh! Why won't you get mad!!" I raised my voice one more time. "I give up"

I sat down on the floor with my back leaning against the door.
We just sat there for a solid 10 minutes in complete silence, even more intese than before. It was so deafening that it almost hurt in my ears. Finally I broke the silence and shouted for Abbie e to let us out.

"Come on, Abbie!! Let me out!" I shouted at the door.

Jacob made a flinch at the sudden sound of my voice but didn't move. After a few seconds of sitting quiet he opened his mouth. "You know they left, right?"


"Yeah, like twenty minutes ago, or were you too busy kicking the door to hear your front door shut.

"But why would they leave?"

"To pick up the pizza, I guess" Jacob shrugged his shoulders.

"But this is dangerous. What if there's a fire!" I muttered.

"Well, there's not one, is there?" Jacob fired back.

I gave him a cold look. Why did he have to sit there, so cold and quiet? Can't he scream? Can't he fight with me? I'd rather do anything else then just sit in silence and wait. I sighed.

"Since we're stuck here until we make up, maybe we should talk about it." I carefully suggested.

When Jacob didn't answer I started talking.
"Okay. I'll start. I'm sorry for snapping at you before. I don't know why but something about you bothers me."

There was still no answer from Jacob.
"Okay... No reply" I sighed again "I don't know what bothers me, but it's always there..."

"Gee, thanks" Jacob interrupted with a sarcastic tone.
He was still looking down at the tiles in the floor.

"Anyhow" I said and dragged out the word "Maybe it's because you switch between being mean and nice so often, or that you're such a player, or that you always bug me in class, but..."

"Wait. Did you call me a player?" Jacob looked at me with a confusion.

"Well, yeah..." I said, unsure about what was coming next.

"You think I'm a player?! Why?"

"Well, you are. Right?" I said in confusion.

"Uh. Not that I'm aware of!" Jacob said while raising his voice.

He looked over at me with a serious look.

"If you have a new girl as often as you do. Then you're a player." I said, feeling anger bubbling up. What's his deal? Sure, I wanted a fight rather than silence, but come on!

"Is that really what you think of me? A player? Some sort of f***boy?"

"Yeah. That's pretty accurate"

"Unbelievable! Have you ever thought about it from my perspective?" He said, raising his voice even more.

"Maybe the right girl for me is taken, or out of town, or doesn't know that I exist. Maybe she just doesn't like me back" His breathing was heavy and dangerous.

"Wow. I hadn't thou...."

"No you hadn't. Do you ever think of anyone else?"

"That was a little harsh, Jacob." I said, knowing it wasn't a complete lie.

"Was it? Well then I'm sorry. The truth hurts. If I'm a f***boy, then you're selfish" Jacob continued with an ice cold voice. Then he faced towards the ground again.

I was silent. I didn't, no, I couldn't answer. I could feel my eyes tearing up.

"I... I'm sorry" I said while trying to control my voice from cracking.

I felt a stupid tear roll down my cheek. Then another one, and the one more. Soon I was crying.

He was right. I hadn't even noticed what my friends thought. How it's only Logan and I that are hanging out, not the whole group, or how MacKenzie obviously liked Byron. I only noticed after Abbie pointed it out to me. It's true, I don't think about anything or anyone other than myself. Maybe I am selfish, no I definitely am... I don't know!

By the sound of my sobbing Jacob looked up once again. He must have felt guilty, because soon he stood up and sat down on the floor next to me.

"I... I'm..." he signed "I'm sorry."

"N-n-no. Y-you're right. I am selfish." I whispered crying.

"No. You're one of the best people I... well not know, but you know what I mean"

"R-really? You d-don't just say t-that to make me s-stop crying." I said, wiping my cheek with the sleeve of my left arm.

"Of course not. I'm just a bit... sensitive ... about the whole.... player and girl I like... thing." Jacob said low.

"Yeah. That's fair" I sniffled "Well, thanks. But I needed to hear that. I am selfish."

I was about to wipe away my tears on the other cheek, but before I had the chance Jacob leaned in.

I could feel his breath against my face. He took his finger, running it over my cheek, wiping away a few tears on the way.

"C-can you forgive me for what I said?" Jacob whispered.

I didn't quite know what to do, so I just nodded slowly. "Yeah. Of course"

"Good... I want us to be friends" He said and leaned in even more.

I was sure he would lean in the last few centimetres, making our lips touch. Instead he just stayed still, and a few seconds later pulled away as we heard the front door open and close. Jacob sighed and I let out a breath I didn't know I was keeping in.

"I'm sorry" he said and stood up. "Just, sensitive, like I said before"

From outside we heard Abbie taking away the chair from under the door.
She opened it up and said:

"I heard a sorry. You're free to go"

We both turned and glared at her.
"What? Not a fan of my peace making style?"

"No, heck no! You left us here for almost an hour!" I said before storming out of the bathroom.

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