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Your face was as white as snow the day I saw you, your friends had called you by the nickname of, "white skin" since your skin looked so clean. pure. I wanted to run my golden fingers over it as we cuddled on the couch in the house only in my dreams. I was an american transfer student from California and came to South Korea with no knowledge but the language, everybody was so skinny. Some people were so skinny that it looked sickening, although some people can't help it, others are afraid of the people judging them. I didn't know I would leave my once happy and popular life to come here and be called overweight. That word was thrown around here way to loosely, it got me upset because girls who were considered overweight here were nothing compared to the girls at my old school. One thing is, in America nobody likes being skinny unless necessary, some people even go on diets just to gain weight or when people who were 200lbs or over, they would exercise until they were at least considered thick, and the good thick, not fat. Everything was easier back home, everything and everybody here was so strict and every woman and man I had passed were stunning....

Especially you, but you didn't seem to notice...

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