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I was hurt at her actions. Shocked at what she had done. What did I expect, she wasn't close to me anyway. I came to school happy and very confident in myself until I saw you and her, her as in Lee Min, you as in you holding her on your lap and biting her earlobe. I paused for several seconds and looked at her and you, the thing that made me get onto the verge of tears was the fact that you guys looked absolutely perfect together. I made my way past the crowd of people surrounding you and her. I felt like throwing up all the love and friendship left in my body, everything and everybody were so fake and now I knew it. I wanted to go home, I wanted to finish these last 6 months of school and graduate and move far, far away from Korea. I didn't feel like myself here, nor did I feel any love. I felt like an actual complete mess. Lunch was the time you had the nerve and the guts, the balls to bring him to my table and introduce me to him. You odiously did this on purpose or was today just your turn in line to be with him. You were giggling around him and kissing him so passionately and he enjoyed every bit. I got up and grabbed my car keys checking myself out.

I was sick.

Sick to my stomach of love.

Sick to my stomach of  depression.

Sick to my stomach of you, Oh Sehun and you to Lee Min.

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