A Not-So-Silent Night

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From the outside, it looked so peaceful. A place of calm and serene bliss. But looks can be deceiving.

It was a cold Friday night in early December when a maid was walking the halls, finishing her rounds before she turned in for the evening. As she was passing from the kitchen to the dining room, she heard arguing coming from one of the hallways. Figuring it was just two of the princesses, she continued to the source of noise, planning on telling them to please be quieter so they wouldn't wake their parents, as it was very late. As she got closer though, it was not the sound of two princesses fighting, but of the king and queen themselves.

Startled, the maid froze in place, unsure of what to do. In all her years of working at the palace, she had never heard the king and queen arguing before. It was surprising, as they were the perfect couple. They were still very much in love after 21 years of marriage.

"You're so stupid!" A voice screeched from the hallway. "I can't believe I ever fell for someone as dumb as you!"

"Don't you dare walk away from me!" The other voice commanded.

"I'll walk away if I want to!" The first voice replied angrily.

"I'll kill you!"

"Oh please, living with you is murder enough!"

"You have no idea."

There were footsteps coming out of the hallway, and the maid suddenly realized that she needed to get out of there. But it was too late, and soon the king and queen were standing staring at the maid.

"Your Highnesses." The maid squeaked. "I'll just be leaving."

"Oh you're not going anywhere."

The three walked off, unaware that at the end of the hallway, someone had heard everything. The figure moved back into the shadows, slowly plotting their next move. It would be something that no one would see coming.

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