Teaser #2: The Royals

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The King was sick. Again. He had just returned from a board meeting, well, it wasn't much of a meeting as he never got to speak, when he started to feel unwell. He had somehow managed to limp back to his bedchambers, where, unsurprisingly, the Queen was already waiting. She stared at him with narrowed eyes that seemed to pierce right through him. Without uttering a word, she laid a piece of paper down on the bed before sweeping away, out of the room. The king sighed and sat down on the edge of the bed, picking up the paper. As he read it, a small smile flickered across his face. He gently set the paper down on his nightstand before laying down and flicking off the lights, hopeful for a good nights rest.

The Queen stood out on the balcony, her mocha eyes staring into the inky blackness of the night sky. She looked poised as ever, a trait that served her well in life. Her face remained motionless and expressionless, as stony as the statue of her that rested in the garden. She knew it wasn't the king who did this, as badly as she wanted it to be. No, this was someone much more dangerous. She had no idea who it could be, only that she had to act fast but carefully if she wanted to come out of this as the victor.

The Crown Princess laid in her room reading a book, but not really. It was more like she was staring at the words on the page while her mind drifted elsewhere. It would be dawn before she and her sisters knew about the letter, but even still, the eldest princess could feel something was wrong. She could sense it in the air, much like her mother could sense tyranny from a mile away. She closed her book and went to look out the window, wondering what to do next. She cared deeply for both her parents, but what they were asking her to do was unimaginable. She shivered as she felt the cool night air blow through her open window, the curtains blowing softly in the wind. With a thud, she slammed the window shut, as if that could close off all of her problems and make them go away.

The middle princess was sneaking off again. Nowhere interesting this time, just the garden. She was tired of being closed off in the castle, hidden away from the rest of the world. She would be overjoyed when she found out about the letter in the morning, and would start plotting the greatest adventure of her life. For now though, she just snuck through the gardens, hiding in the shadows whenever guards passed to avoid detection, and running through the twisted and fraying paths that seemed to lead to another world, an enchanted world, a world where she could do whatever she wanted, be whomever she wanted. She sighed as she finally stopped near a pond, kneeling down and watching the fish swim in circles. It was mesmerizing, and before long, the exhausted princess drifted off to sleep.

The youngest princess could barely contain her excitement. No one noticed her, and although this could be frustrating sometimes, it worked to her advantage more often than not. Her parents just thought she was stupid, and often ignored her, which suited her just fine. She knew why her mother hated her and for this reason avoided her father. Despite what everyone thought, she was actually the one that was clued in the most about what was happening inside the palace gates. So when the letter arrived at the palace, she knew that things were starting to change. She just hoped they would change in the right way.

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