[17, pt. 1] day with the kids

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"A PINBALL MACHINE?" Aaron exclaims, displaying his enthusiasm on the first thing that grabbed his attention, as soon as we entered my fairly-priced Los Angeles apartment. He scampered away into the mechanism, tossing the backpack slung around his shoulders on the couch along the way, and switched the power on. He released a flabbergasted gasp and his eyes widened as the device lit up and came to life. "WOW."

I rolled the two suitcases in the room, another two heavy sports bags draped on each of my arm and Anelah was quietly carrying her own knapsack behind her back, a small sling back slanted across her little physique.

"Just leave your bags on the couch, sweetheart. I'll take care of it," I sweetly told her then watched her small tired self waddle to comply with my instruction.  The poor thing was literally gazing out of the window for the entire 6-hour flight while Aaron fell asleep on my chest. And look at them now.

"Daddy, I'm sleepy," she said through an adorable yawn and rubbed her eyes that were going to drop every second now.

I quickly set down the luggage, scooped her into my arms and headed for the guestroom. I burst through the untouched, empty room and laid her on the bed, tucking her to sleep. I watched her half-asleep state for a while, my heart warming at the sight of my beautiful snuggled into a pillow. "We'll have dinner once you wake up, alright?"

She mumbles something incoherent, which I took as an answer and pressed a light kiss on her forehead before turning off the lights.

"Dad, look, I beat your high score!" Aaron smugly announced as soon as I stepped into the rather small living room. My flat wasn't as luxurious or spacious as their condominium, but I'm glad Maggie raised them to be down-to-earth and not some rich, snotty kids who only care about fancy things. I mean, my son was happily playing with a pinball machine older than him and I won't even dare mention how many times that thing broke down and I had to get it fixed.

"Actually, that's your cousin Marley's high score," I informed him with a grin, remembering how much the two got comfortable around my family during last Thursday's dinner.

When Maggie and I first announced to the family about our kids, everyone was left in complete and utter shock. It was unbearably quiet in the room. One could even hear a pin drop from the stillness of the moment. My mom, of course, let out a small laugh to herself when that happened which broke the tension in the household. It was then when they welcomed Aaron and Anelah wholeheartedly into the family and the two weren't fazed about the attention one bit. I had to give Maggie a hug or two for raising such angels of kids.

The two were immediately missing from the table as soon as the other kids invited them to play and whatnot. My mother also excused herself, along with Maggie since she had to discuss something with her.  I trusted my mom with all my heart about talks since they're never that tough to deal with anyway so I was even relieved when they returned, smiling and laughing as if nothing came down between them. What she and my mother spoke about, I was yet to know about it.

My parents, especially, were glad that they finally have a granddaughter since it seemed as if the generation that followed mine were testosterone-filled and they needed a break in that. All in all, it was an amazing day, with everyone basically accepting and understanding each other. I thank God everyday for giving me such a perfect family.

"Oh, it is? Well, I'll have to tell them I beat him then," he simpered, stepping away from the gadget and his eyes trailed to the most eye-catching object that stood amidst my living room: the pool table.

I followed the direction of his eyes and walked over to the table, smirking at him and motioned for him to come over. "You ever played billiards, son?"

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