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"I-I don't know, dad." I slumped back in the cushion of my dad's Manhattan apartment, loosening and tightening my grip on the object in my hand. "I feel like I'm rushing things."

"Son, you and Elise have been together for three years now, five if you include your relationship before her accident," Papa Mars pointed out, taking a quick glance at his grandchildren playing video games on his flat screen television.  "I do have to say you both are young, but if you're sure about her, then go for it. No one's stopping you."

"I've never been so sure about any girl in my whole life, but what if she says no?" I nervously thought, burying the item in my pocket and sighed. "You did say we were young, but what if it never works out? I don't like the thought of divorce."

"You're not even married yet and you're already thinking about divorce," he laughed, shaking his head and stood from his seat. "Beer?"

"Oh yes please," I grinned before watching his figure disappear into the kitchen.

"You're being paranoid, son," were his words as soon as a fresh bottle of beer was served right in front of me. "I was never scared when I asked your mom. You know why?"

Taking a swig of my drink, I shifted my eyes towards his and shrugged.

"Because I was sure that I loved her and she loved me enough to commit," he answered, helping himself with a drink as well. "We may have not worked out the way I would've wanted, son, but we're happy. And it's all that matters, right?"

"God, your little speech scared me further, Pops," I groaned, putting my now empty bottle down.

He chuckled, checking his watch. "Well, I hate to send you guys away but I have a date tonight and I gotta get ready."

"Is it the same girl from Christmas, dad?" I joked before stepping away from the couch.

"Nah," he answered nonchalantly, making me break down into a laughing hysteria.

"You're unbelievable, dad," I panted, recovering from my hysterics before giving him a hug goodbye. "I hope I don't end up like you someday."

"You're still my boy no matter what," he cheesed before calling my kids over and bidding them farewell. "See ya soon, my little creations."

"Bye Pops!" the kids waved goodbye and held on to my hands.

"Enjoy your date tonight, Pops!" I smirked, walking towards the exit of his apartment. "I hope she's finally the one for you."

"Nah, your mom's the only one for me," he grinned, making my heart drop at her memory. Before we drowned ourselves in our emotions of missing her physically, my dad whispered, "Make sure Elise is the one, alright?"

"You better get this place ready for tomorrow, Pops," I gave a small lopsided smile, dodging the subject. "Do you want me and Eric to come over to help?"

"No need, son. I got it," he said, with that signature smirk of his which I've adapted since I can remember. "Just go ahead and enjoy the rest of your night."


"El, it's New Year's Eve, why are you working?" I whined, grabbing her Mac Book and closing it. "We were supposed to spend the afternoon with the kids."

"Oh I'm sorry, Bru," she pouted and attempted to get her Mac back, but I shoved it under my pillow, away from her working table. "It's just that Amy emailed me the upcoming projects I have to work on for next year and I just wanted to read over them first so I could ready myself."

"I thought you said you weren't feeling well," I cooed, hugging her petite frame against me and rested the back of my palm on her forehead. "Didn't you rest like I asked you to?"

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