[17, Pt. 3] day with the kids

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"No fucking way, Lis!" Kelly screams eight octaves higher through the receiver, shattering my eardrums in the process. "You met yet again! I knew you two were meant to be."

"Kelly, please stop assuming things. I'm babysitting his kids, remember?" I said with a groan, glancing from the kitchen stove where I was preparing some spaghetti for the kid's lunch to Aaron who was kicking a football rather professionally around the living room. He's definitely a soccer player.

"You mean he got his girlfriend pregnant?!" she gasped.

"Weren't you listening to me?"

"I thought they were his nephew and niece." I can see her shrug from the other line, before bursting again, "But that's because I'm only focusing on the fact that the stars aligned yet once again for the both of your paths to cross!" Then she paused, bringing her voice down as if someone could hear our phone conversation. "Do you think she's his secret wife?"

"Why do you think he'd be desperate to look for someone to watch over his kids when he has a wife who'd take care of them in the first place?"

"Maybe she died—"

"KELLY!" I barked, not wanting to accept her offending theory.

"—or she's busy doing her photo shit. Geez, I wasn't even done yet."

"But, these kids are seven, Kelly," I explained, blowing away my baby hairs that fell over my face. "We stopped dating a little over a year ago. She couldn't be the mother."

"Shit, seven? That man has been hiding so many things, Lis."

"No doubt he'll be hiding his kids if he's creating this image for the world, Kelly," I shot back sarcastically, switching the stove off and preparing the dining table. "Look, I'll talk to you later. I'll have to feed them their lunch and I'll check on the poor thing. She's probably still asleep."

"Fine, see you," she bid her farewell before hanging up.

I stuffed my old iPhone in my jean compartment before walking into the living room and ruffling the little boy's sweaty hair. "Okay, buddy, play time is over. Go ahead and we'll eat lunch together."

"I miss my soccer practices," he randomly commented before kicking the ball to an unknown part of the apartment and bringing a hand up as he carelessly wiped the beads of sweat running down his forehead – thus, confirming my thoughts about him being an athlete.

"And why aren't you there?" I ask before wrapping my arm around his small shoulder and leading him to the tiled counters.

"My soccer practice is in Hawaii where I live," he answered as he climbed up the high stool, further confusing me. "I'm just here for a vacation with dad."

"And this is your first time here in LA?" I tilt my head curiously, propping my elbow on the table top.

"Yeah," he said through a mouthful of pasta, making me laugh and deciding to take a seat next to him.

"And how do you like it so far?"

"It's like Hawaii because there's no snow. I always wanted to see snow." He pouted and continued eating. "But dad hasn't really showed us around yet because of Anelah's stupid fever," he added, stabbing the food in his plate. "And his stupid meetings."

"It's not like it would be the last time you'll be here, Aaron," I sweetly suggested, reaching over and playing with his silky dark locks because he was adorable beyond words at the moment.

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