Rymson Arden

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Theme Song: "We Are Ignited" by NateWantsToBattle

Age: 16
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Height: 5'11"

Eye Color: Fiery Orange
Hair: Crimson hair that's a bit messy.
Aura Color: Crimson

Attire: Black undershirt, crimson jacket/coat with a flame orange XV on right shoulder and flame insignia on back, brown pants, black and white low-cut running shoes and leather gloves.
Color Scheme: Crimson, black and orange

Weapon/s: Flare Enigma and Eclipse Inferno
Modes/s: A pair of H.P.C.GB (High Pulse Charged GunBlades) capable of transforming into one-edged swords. Its gun mode has three different firing rates.

Semblance: Ignite

Name Origin: Rymson came from the color Crimson while his surname Arden means flame in another language.

Remnant Archives
Name: Rymson Arden

Rymson Arden was orphaned at the age of 7 after a Grimm attack happened on his village nearby the recently destroyed Mountain Glenn. He survived because of his parents who chose to hide him in their bunker. The poor child didn't dare to see what happened so in his fear, he slept. The next day, he ventured outside their bunker.

What Rymsom saw traumatized him as he saw the Grimm responsible for both Mountain Glenn and his village's destruction. He ran as far as his legs could take him. Despite the distance, the boy somehow ended up at the Emerald Forest where he met a former member of Team STRQ, Raven Branwen. After impressing the new leader of the bandit tribe, Rymson was taken under Raven's wing.

The boy learned so quickly throughout his years living under Raven's guidance. He was taught the life of a bandit. He learned how to fight, how to steal and lastly, how to kill. Even though he was only 13, Rymson managed to clear three packs of Beowolves with only his Semblance. The boy would sometimes accompany his mentor to her "meetings" with Qrow Branwen.

He often had sparring matches with the Huntsman whenever there was an opportunity, only to lose but sometimes would last long enough to battle Qrow with his weapon on scythe mode. On their last spar, the Branwen told Rymson that he had potential to become a Huntsman like him. Days later, he was determined to become a Huntsman.

With the help of a few pulled strings by Qrow and surprisingly, Raven, he got a transcript and letter of introduction into Rymson's own picked school, Beacon Academy. Before Rymson left, his mentor asked, not told, asked him a favor to watch over someone who is going to be at the same school. He didn't hesitate to accept as he saw this as a way to somehow repay his mentor after all the years she taught him.

His Semblance was quite the peculiar one because he couldn't remember how he got it but he was reluctant to use it. The reason was that everything he touches would combust into flames, so he wore leather gloves to keep his Semblance in check. Although with some training, he managed to ignite things with little control. The only things that didn't ignite within touch were his weapons.

When it came to combat, he prefers engaging the enemy at a reasonable range. His pulse shots were quite the problem if they were getting bigger after each one. If he saw that the enemy is open, he wouldn't waste a second to finish them off with his swords.

After the Fall of Beacon, he paired up with Nyx Heartstone in effort to go to Haven Academy where he believes the next fight will be.


Alec Longstride: After seeing stand up to the Schnee heiress, Rymson saw him as a person who'd wouldn't hesitate to defend someone in case of need. Rymson respected his teammate in "noble" ways he acted but what he was somewhat suspicious because of his heritage, knowing that the Longstrides are a bunch of renegade assassins. Nevertheless, a brother-like bond formed between them.

Viola Fleurette: If he was being honest, Rymson felt fear when she saw Viola fight during the initiation. He never saw that a young, innocent-looking musician like her just abruptly charge into battle like a madman. She was almost unpredictable, confusing her enemy with combat style but he is thankful for Viola's music which sometimes helped him focus. She would even ask him to hear some of her solos.

Nyx Heartstone: When they first met, Rymson wasn't thrilled with meeting someone from Atlas, much less at the idea of being paired up with someone coming from said continent, seeing them as spoiled, very ambitious and deceitful people. What changed his mind was when Nyx saved him from an Ursa Major during initiation. Guess there's more to there than what meets the eye.

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