Nyx Heartstone

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Theme Song: "Thunder" by Imagine Dragons

Age: 16
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Height: 5'7

Eye Color: Onyx
Hair: Messy, short black hair with grey tips
Aura Color: Grey

Attire: Welding goggles around her neck, white and black long sleeve shirt, punk fingerless gloves that allows electric current to flow, denim jumper, combat boots
Color Scheme: Onyx and dark grey

Weapon/s: Vancore Lanceos
Modes/s: A railgun that can shoot different sizes of electric charges, the largest enough to destroy an Atlesian Paladin. In lance mode, it has features of a drill, thus having the ability to drill while being empowered with the electric charges.

Semblance: Technomorph

Name Origin: Nyx was based on the gemstone Onyx. Her surname, however, was somehow made up.

Remnant Archives
Name: Nyx Heartstone

Having born at the technologically inclined continent, Atlas, Nyx Heartstone dreamt of being the best weapon inventor she could be.

Even when she was a child of 6 years, Nyx was capable of complex weapons designs, impressing her mother, who was buried at her work sometimes. What pushed her further into her work was when she knew that her parents invents weapons for Atlas.

Her love for weapons designs made her accomplish many things. One was when she designed the standard issue rifle for the Atlas army personnel, even including their body armor. Nyx and her mother took part in a collaborative designing team for the prototype Atlesian Paladins.

But she took a hit when it came to family,
her father was a Corporal in the army. A day before her birthday, her father was suppose to return from a White Fang raid at the deep outer parts of Atlas but he was reported killed in action before making it to the extraction point.

In her anger and curiosity, Nyx hacked in the Atlas Military Archives in hopes of finding clearer answers to the cause of her father's death. Before being caught by the system's security, she managed to get a name of one of White Fang's high officials, one going by the name Adam Taurus. Years passed and she was given the choice of going either to Atlas or Beacon. She chose the latter, surprising her mother who'd hope Nyx was going to Atlas but she didn't choose Beacon if it wasn't for the information she obtained about large White Fang activities in Vale.

Her skills in technology, both digital and weaponry, gave way to her Semblance, which proved her as a great weapon technician and hacker. She can attach any piece of technology to either her weapon or body. Most of the time, she uses this to tangle her opponent's weapons,

As much as possible, Nyx will provide cover fire for her head-on teammates. Her weapon's long range effectiveness helps her so she prefers staying at the back of the fight most of time due to her weapon's weight which she still has much to practice for. She also takes the role of being the team's breaker, trying to separate their opponents from each other to avoid being teamed up with.

A week after the Fall of Beacon, she and Rymson went low for some time in Atlas. But when the news of the kingdom closing its borders, they spent no time and went to Mistral where she hoped Rymson's suspicions were true.


Rymson Arden: If Rymson wasn't thrilled of having her as a partner, Nyx was suspicious and hesitant to follow him because of his transcirpt information. She read it in deciding whether he was someone trustworthy or not but she won't hesitate saving him if needed. She can see that Rymson was trying to at least return the favor when she saved him during initiation.

Alec Longstride: They don't talk with each other often but they make a good duo when it came to combat. After being told of Viola's secret, she observed Alec and saw that Viola was right. She has been pushing the two together ever since, only for Alec to take it as a joke and Viola to strangle her.

Viola Fleurette: Since Nyx was the only child of her family, she sees Viola as her younger sister. She would always drop whatever she was doing and listen or help her straight away. She won't deny the fact that she's a bit more overprotective of her than Alec would.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2018 ⏰

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