Alec Longstride

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Theme Song: "Revolution" by The Score

Age: 17
Gender: Male
Species: Faunus (Timber Wolf)
Height: 6'0"

Eye Color: Electric Blue
Hair: Almost shoulder-length dim gray with white bits of streak.
Aura Color: Steel Blue

Attire: White muscle shirt, almost zipped up light blue vest with a hood and white detailings, khaki cargo shorts below the knees, blue sneakers and steel vambrace and gauntlet on left arm.
Color Scheme: Light and steel blue, white, and khaki

Weapon/s: Arcum Defender
Modes/s: Alec's weapon can transfrom from a shield to a wrap-around vambrace. When the shield collapses, a folded compact bow is released.

Semblance: Vortex Rush

Name Origin: His name is an allusion to legend Robin "Hood" Longstride. His first name, Alec, is derived from Electric Blue.

Remnant Archives
Name: Alec Longstride

Alec Longstride's ancestry dates back a hundred years ago, notably taking part in The Great War of Remnant. His family were Hunstmen and Huntresses who specializes in stealth and assassination. Throughout the years, Alec wanted to a Huntsman, a noble one. The one who fights for the right thing even if it wasn't the smartest.

He was born in Vale. As he grew up, he was taught the Longstride traditon along with his younger sister and cousins. When it came to the final examinations, he and his cousin Hans Longstride were the only ones left. There were assigned a target each. Hans did his assassination quite flawless, but for Alec, he couldn't do it.

For that, despite his father's plea at the Longstride Council, he was exciled from the family name. Alec didn't habor any grudge nor resentment because he knew what he did was right. And it was all that mattered.

He travelled far where he could go until he ended up on another ancestral home quite similar to his clan. Curious, he investigated the building. Upon entering he was surrounded by hooded people in black and blue. Alec wasn't the one who fights at the spot so he raised his hands in defeat.

What was surprising is that the hooded people were Longstrides like him, fellow clansmen who were banished for breaking the tradition. They accepted him right without any doubt and Alec felt home again.

Alec's years at his new home taught the truth behind the Longstride name. They were once noble Huntsmen and Huntresses who rob the maltreating rich and give the money to the poor but all of it changed when a Longstride took abuse of the power he gained from such acts. The astray Lomgstride gathered many clansmen to form an uprising. The uprising killed many Longstrides and sent the nobles ones into hiding, changing the once noble family to a vicious assassin clan. This was enough reason for him to restore his family name or bring it to justice.

His Semblance helped in many ways during fights. It allowed him to run extremely fast, leaving only a small blur of his trace. He can also teleport with a minimum range of 20 meters but it was risky because it only drained most of Alec's Aura.

Alec prefers to fight from afar with Arcum Defender in bow mode but he enjoys engaing the enemy more head on with the help his weapon in vambrace form. He always wanted the frontlines, something that his teammates considered risky.

The Fall of Beacon did so much to him. He saw his clansmen get murdered by the outgrowing number of Grimm. His anger made his action reckless enough to get himself killed. He is currently staying at the Fleurette Manor, resting his wounds.


Rymson Arden: Alec was already used to people being suspicious of his surname heritage, which drove him further to prove them wrong. He could tell that their leader was one of those people so he did what he had to do. After quiet some time and actual proving, he earned Rymson's trust, leading to a more brotherly-like bond.

Viola Fleurette: He's probably the only person in their team who doesn't see Viola as someone with a death wish when she fights. As her partner, he lets her have the fun, only to step in when necessary or when he feels she's having too much fun. As much as he hates to admit, he is a bit protective of her because she reminds him of a close friend of his who passed away.

Nyx Heartstone: Even though they don't talk much, Alec works well with Nyx. He would cover for her while she was charging her weapon. He would only get annoyed by her when she teases him with Viola which he denies every time.

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