Viola Fleurette

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Theme Song: "The Reckless and The Brave" by All Time Low

Age: 17
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Height: 5'9"

Eye Color: Lilac
Hair: Medium-length violet hair
Aura Color: Violet

Attire: Paper rose on the left top side of head, white scarf with blue linings, shirt with white above and black under, blue 3/4 polo with purple buttons and elbow patches, violet skirt that are a little below the knees, striped knee socks and leather boots
Color Scheme: Purple, white and deep blue

Weapon/s: Minerva's Chord
Modes/s: Not only capable of sending a literal music blast in electric guitar form, it can either fold in half to become a modifiable assault rifle or a double-bladed war axe.

Semblance: Aura Foresight

Name Origin: Her first name came from the color Violet. As for her surname, it means flower in French.

Remnant Archives
Name: Viola Fleurette

Viola was a like any other Fleurette, a musician. What set her apart was her choice of music. Her family's genres were the classics, the opera and musical-like. She chose to be unique. Her choice was rock music.

She grew it up at the outer cities of Vale, although their family name was known all over Remnant for being the best musicians. They were even asked by the Schnees to perform at one of their parties and that's when it all happened. Viola's parents were supportive of her music but wasn't quite thrilled liking the idea of playing any kind of music besides their own genre.

Of course, the young Fleurette stood up to her choice and nothing stopped her but she was no longer invited to play at formal parties. She couldn't care any less. For her, she is what she is and it's up to others how they accepted her.

Even if their family was known for music, Viola was no pushover. She proved her capability in battle. She modified her loved music instrument into a modifiable assault rifle and a double-bladed war axe.

To conitnue improving herself in battle and music, she would head to the Forever Fall Forest with some of her friends, clearing most of the Grimm and jamming out as well after doing the said clearing.

Despite her change in music, she wore the same clothes she did before. As means of enjoyment, she and her friends played charity concerts in Vale most of the nights that the rest of Viola's family would be performing at formal parties.

Foresight, Viola's Semblance was first thought she'd be seeing glimpses of her opponent's "future" movements but the only way she saw them was through their Aura patterns as she called them.

In battle, she prefers fighting with flight-or-fight response which sometimes works as means of confusion. Most of the time, she'll be charging through while going trigger-happy with her assault rifle along with Alec who serves as her back up.

Viola's parents, particulary her mother, was worried to death upon hearing about the Fall of Beacon. She was taken home. She only was taken home when they allowed her partner, Alec Longstride, to stay and rest his wounds for the while. Alec's injuries worried Viola as well because Alec was the only one she found.


Rymson Arden: From the day the team was formed, Viola made her goal to at least get everyone to lighten up and bond a bit despite their "contradicting opinions" as Rymson would call it. She knew he was a tough shell but successfully got him to open up. Sometimes, he'd volunteer to hear a few of her new solos.

Alec Longstride: After knowing him after initiation, Alec was the reason why Viola could be more. He told her that, "If people don't like the way you are, then they could just give up on making you something you're not.". She would sometimes see him guilt-stricken but doesn't talk about it, knowing he would just wave it off. His noble and open attitude was what started her "little" crush on him.

Nyx Heartstone: If there was one person on the team whom she tell her stories, Nyx was the only one. She was a good listener and was the one giving her advices on "particular" things. The only times she'd strangle her to death is when she was trying to push Alec to Viola or vice versa.

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