Chapter 5- Waking Up

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When I woke up I was in a really comfy bed and the big comfy comforter is so warm I want to stay there forever but I can't I know that much. Then the question came to my mind where's my brother what what if they have done something to my little brother? " Where is my little brother?" I ask myself not asking anyone because I didn't know if there is anyone else in the room with me but I was wrong there was some one in the room with me.

When I rolled over there he was my little brother sleeping peacefully in a crib like thing. The thing made sure he wouldn't roll off his bed. It was kind of the cute the bed thing was in the corner of the room with a bed side table by it with a small lamp on it for a little bit of light. It was kind of cute.

     I was going to get up but I felt hands on my for pushing me softly down onto the bed I looked up and it was master. He looked tired but still he was still stunning as always well since I met him couple hours ago. "It's OK little one. He's fast asleep so you do not need to be afraid OK? I'm not going to hurt you and I'm not going to hurt him. So just relax it is alright just laid out. On the way inside you fell asleep so I brought you and him up the my room and laid you down under the covers. Little Tommy did wake up and became a little fussy while trying to wake you up but with a lot of cuddling he went peacefully to sleep. I got to say though he is a real cutie and sooo are you." Master said while looking at me. I wasn't fully understanding what was going on but oh well.  Then master stared to speak again so I listened. "How about we just watch movies for the rest of the the day sense it is 4:00 in the afternoon. What do you think Jaiden?" Master asked nicely. "Y y yes p please" I asked in a very timid voice. "Ok then we will" Master said.

He got up and went over to get Tommy who was still asleep in his arms. He laid home down between us while making all of us comfortable. Then he put a random movie on I the it was called Peter Pan. And that was the rest of our day before we all passed out in my master's comfy huge bed. I loved it.

Other bed ideas for Tommy's bed in Caleb's room

Other bed ideas for Tommy's bed in Caleb's room

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Merry Christmas and I hope you like the new update thank you

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