Meeting Them

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You were laying in bed, looking through YouTube when you heard the door to your house open and close. Oh no.. He's home.. You thought to yourself, but shook your head. He's never home this early. You thought once more. You heard your YouTube notifications go off. DING. As you looked at the screen, you saw that Markiplier had posted a new video! You clicked on it in a heartbeat. As soon as you did that, you saw Dark. Your heart started to race. Was it from fangirling? Or because you were slightly freaked out because he seemed to be staring right at you? Probably just you quietly fangirling.

The video started, Dark was staring at -- Almost through -- the camera. He looked at you, up and down and smiled. "Did you miss me~? I missed you.. VERY much, (Y/N)..." Did he just say your name? What!? "Yes I did. I did say your name." You nearly died from curiosity. "Y-you can see me? You can hear my thoughts?" You asked as your eyes never left his. "Why yes, I can... I can also see that you would like you meet me and Anti... Yes?" You nodded without thinking. "Yes... I would love that!" You smiled at the thought of getting away from your abusive dad. Dark frowned and a glimmer of anger flashed in his eyes. You stopped smiling and a look of worry formed on your face. "So... You have an abusive father? Well... You could come live with me and Anti... As long as you swear to not try to escape... Promise?" He asked. You nodded and spoke. "I promise.. I will not attempt escape.." He seemed to smile happily and clapped in glee. "I'll see you in the morning." You waved and turned off your laptop. You had to get packed quickly. Your dad was gonna be here in an hour.

----timeskip brought to you by Undertale----

You finished packing and hid it just in time. You heard your dad walk in the house and his heavy footsteps up the stairs. You sat on your bed and prepared for the living Satan in your life to walk in. He opened the door and walked in, obviously drunk. He slapped you and left a mark on your cheek. You had learned to fight the tears, you had to. "You little shit. You didn't have dinner prepared before I got home!" He yelled in your face. His breath a foul odor of alcohol.


You were sitting in your bed, crying. You heard someone open the door and you stopped crying immediately. You heard a glitchy voice call out to you. "(Y/N)... ARe yOu HeRe?" You recognized that voice. It was Anti. "A-anti? Is that you?" You called out and heard footsteps approach. You then heard the steps trip and someone fell on you, causing you two's lips to crash together. You were met face-to-face with The Antisepticeye! He was a blushing, glitchy mess. He lifted himself off of you and started to speak. "(Y/N), you need to get your stuff and follow me.. OK?" You nodded and got up. Pulling your stuff out from under your bed and followed Anti out of the house.

Untrusted-- Darkiplier X Reader X AntisepticeyeDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora