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"Lemme' give you a hand baby." Diego, the world's most piece of shit fucking fuck-boy tried.

"The names Olivia. I got it bye." I said exiting the school building. He's been trying since my freshman year. I'm a junior graduating in May and well, he's the super senior every girl drools over. I do too, but he can't know of that. Besides, I start college in the fall this boy won't matter then I have literally three Months left in this hell whole.

He followed behind me, "oh. Olivia. If you could just not be stubborn and let me love you it'd be great." He said my heart pinched and for a moment I nearly believed his words. I was one of the many girls who drooled over him but it wasn't obvious.

He wants my innocence, he knows I'm not really mean as I portray. The only thing is, he doesn't know how to appreciate a good girl or woman. Let alone love, I'm looking for it, and as much as I'd want it from him. I won't take it. That's a lot to lose and a lot to give.

"You and I both know you only want one thing." I say making my way home. I just had to walk today didn't I.

"It's not what you're really thinking." He said shrugging. "Oh please. Every boy with tattoos and grill and in the rapper industry just want to make money and fuck around." I roll my eyes

"Not I lil baby."

"Especially you." I retort turning the corner.

"Tell you what," he said "what?"

"You tell me what you think I want. I'll tell you what I really want. On three."

"I just did that"


He didn't listen.

"3." He finished

"My virginity."


I scoffed continuing my way.

"See. You're wrong." He said, "I doubt I really am."

"Give me a shot."

"I'd rather not." I smiled

"There you go melting my piece of shit heart with your smile." He said his smile appearing

"Go home Diego." I said

"Let me walk you home then I will." I rolled my eyes sticking my headphones in and continuing my way. Of course he followed and tried to conversate but I ignored him. My heart was beating like crazy. My mind was starting to draw blanks. I have been into him for years. He's 20 he'll be graduating with my class.

Could you picture us graduating as a couple- I would rather not start with my crazy ideas. I pushed the thought away reminding myself that this boy will blow up and forget he ever tried to socialize with me.

He'll get what he wants and leave me if I give in. They're all lies and illusions he's giving me to sleep with him.

I'm a virgin that's what he wants. I'm 17 I know this boy doesn't  really care about me.

I will drill that into my head.


Here's chapter 1!!!! I hope you enjoy. This is just the beginning! I can't wait for what I have planned! 😉

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