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   You know, life is really good right now, me and Allan have been talking more. Actually, we have been going out and it's amazing. Diego stayed over that night, but nothing happened. He slept on the floor and was gone before I woke up. He has a girlfriend now which is why I'm glad I didn't read too much into his smooth talking.

I will admit, it urks me to know the whole time he was trying, he was going to get her. I also will admit; I miss the extra attention.. kind of miss him as the flirt he was. Now he just gives me a stare down and then vanishes into the school halls...

"Excuse-me" I faced the direction the voice came from excusing them, continuing my way. "Oh my bad bab- Olivia." Diego said as we bumped into one another.

"I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention." "Nah, it's cool. See you later?" He said before slipping pass me. "Diego!" I say reaching for his arm, he stopped before looking at me. His eyes are so beautiful. "I was um-" I begin, "babe!" I hear the high pitch squeal from  Arlette, Diego's girlfriend. I rolled my eyes as he looks her direction with a smile on his face. I let go and make my way to class.


"Did you see! Prom is coming up!" I hear my peers squeal I slouch in my seat, I'm just not in the mood anymore. Diego hasn't left mind, I'm trying to figure out how he could just kiss me, tell me he wants me and then... Just be with Arlette. "He's a fuck boy Olivia, I saw what happened. I can tell you're dissecting things in your big head." Max says I nudge him. "You're an ass, you know that. I just don't get why it urks me so bad." I groan.

"Because maybe, you thought you had him and realize you don't." I shrug "I don't know. I cancelled my plans with Allan want to hang?" I ask "I really want to... But-" I sigh, "you know it's okay, maybe another time. I can catch up on some sleep or me time." I smile "I promise I will be able to Friday. After the game." I shrug, "no worries. I'm heading home." I say grabbing my bag saying my goodbyes as I do.

I wave off Max as I leave the lunch room, bumping into someone again. "I'm so sorry I don't know what the hell is happening with me I'm never this clumsy-" "don't worry lil baby. It's all good, I was actually looking for you." I nearly squeal of excitement when he uses his charm.

I rolled my eyes though, "don't you have a girlfriend?" He chuckled, "and? What does she got to do with me talking to you?" I furrow my eyebrows, "you just called me- nevermind what did you need?" I sigh he smiled wider, "I have nothing to do after school, well now. I wanted to know if you wanted to go study or something." I began laughing "study? You study?" I ask

"No, but you do and I heard you had a huge quiz coming up in your math class. I can help you or keep you company." He shrugged his smile in place as well.

"Why would you want to do that?" I ask. "I miss you lil ma. I just need to be near you." He said pulling me into him. "I need to feel you. I'm going crazy keeping my distance from you. I crave you more and more." He said his arm running up and down my arm as the other held me to him.

I try pushing him away laughing, "you have a girlfriend go talk her up and waste her time." I laugh trying to pull away but I couldn't. His grip was stern, and I knew if I tried harder, I'd break loose and miss his touch. I want this just as much as he does. I don't know why out of the sudden I do.

"I know you missed me." He smirked, "no I didn't." I shot back. "Alright, whatever you say." I roll my eyes "will you let me go?" I ask, "mh no." He said before he pulled me into his arms. He was hugging me now.

"Diego." I say, "hm?" He hums, "I need to get going-" he let me go walking away before I could finish talking. I stayed silent, I almost got myself to ask where he was headed but instead I walked to my car, got in and drove home.

I guess I do really miss Diego but there's nothing I'm going to do about it. Besides, its what he wants. He wants me to want him, he wants me to miss him. To stop him when he walks away but I refuse to be that weak minded

Updatex 💔💔

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2018 ⏰

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