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god what the hell am I doing I'm supposed be meeting this new kid Allan, he's been dying to hangout and the one time I give him a chance I let my guard down with Diego. I'm so ashamed of my actions. I quickly grab my phone to text both Diego and Allan.

To: Allan

I'm so sorry-

I began to type before my doorbell rang. he was here before I could soak in my mess. I had to go through with this dinner. I have to deal with my guilty conscious. I have to sit and look at him as if I didn't just ruin life by reacting to stupid Diego. I'm not  worried if he knows I kissed Diego, I could careless. Its the fact that I gave Diego what he's wanted, I kissed him back physically begging him not to stop himself from giving me more and controlling his movement. I asked to hold me and keep me close to him, only physically. by the way I held onto him. 

I gave him the satisfaction of him being in control, I never regret much but oh my, do I regret attending the same high school as Max. Lord knows I would probably have graduated months ago, off to college meeting new people everywhere I turn. yet, here I am waiting for the graduation in May, dealing with cocky no good fuck boy pricks who want to rap and cant make any sense, and just do drugs. In other words, me dealing with diego,would have never happened if it wasn't because of max begging my mother to enroll me into the same stupid high school.

"dear, are you okay?" Allan says his hand steady on my back, I nod shaking off my cluttered thoughts. "lets eat?" I say hoping to change the subject to avoid being questioned. "lets." he said, I smiled before locking hands and showing him where the table set with our dinner is. 

"this is nice." he chuckled smiling at me as he sat across from me, "you're the first person I'm showing this too." I admit he cocks a brow at me. "why is that?" he asked. "I don't really know. I have only shown and brought my best friend, Max here. we sit and cry, laugh or play here. most of our high school memories take place here. this is my peace and quiet." I ramble shrugging he smiled. 

"I feel very honored and happy, youre sharing this with me. Youre a very beautiful girl." I blush tucking a strand of hair biting on my lip a bit. He smirked himself, before reaching for my hand so I could take his. He pulled me closer his hand gripping my chin a bit, before pressing his lips on mine.

Lightly he pulls away clenching his jaw swallowing before he took me to my chair. I curl my lips before accepting it.

I loved his possessive hands agaisnt my skin. I wanted more. I ceased my thoughts because it was inappropriate and rude.

"You look so breathtaking." He gawked in awe. "Thank you, you look good yourself." I smiled crossing my leg over the other. "You're lipstick, I like it." He said I smiled he bit his lip. Before digging into his meal.

The sexual attraction is high and I need to calm down.


"You know, I can eat more of what you make." He smirked, this boy went from a geek to a sex God and I need to tone it down.

"When you ask me out on a date." I smile before I walked him to the door.  "Goodnight, Olivia. I'll see you tomorrow morning." He said before leaving me a deep peck on the lips. I smile closing the door behind him.

I sigh in relief. I got through the dinner. I really enjoyed Allan's company. I really want to do it again. And no, because of the sexual attraction there was tonight. He's a good person at heart.

I rinse off the rest of the soap from my hands, Makin my way to my room before my door bell rang. I stopped more afraid, I just unzipped my dress all I have on under it is my laced underwear and someone is ringing my doorbell at eleven p.m. asking for entrance and I'm alone!!

"Baby girl open the door for me it's cold." I groaned rolling my eyes already aware of who's at my door.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I groaned "open up lil baby." I rolled my eyes before unlocking my door. "My eyes are up here!" I say he smirked, "I know." I rolled my eyes before walking off.

"Damn mama, you're already unzipped." He said gripping me I froze at his touch, my phone binged and lit up

Allan: made it home dinner was great, I'll be over there at 745 we'll be riding to school together as of now on 😉

I smiled to myself.

I rolled my hips so Diego would let them go.

Olivia: as of now? 😕 Can we reschedule for ice cream and call it a date?

Allan:Deal, my treat ❤

Olivia: sweet dreams 😚💕

Allan:sleep well beauty ❤

"Don't tell me you're flirting with that guy." Diego scoffed, "he's really sweet, anyway. I'm going to shower." I say, "was that an invite or something." I rolled my eyes. "No. Don't you dare try." I point.

He sighed, "come on baby." He leaned in wrapping his arms around my lower waste. "Don't tell me he's going to intervene with me." I pulled away scoffing, "we having nothing." I say holding my dress up from him loosening it more so he wouldn't view my breasts.

"Come on baby-" I push him away before entering the bathroom and locking the door. "Nice try." I laughed before I let the steam fill the room my dress falling off my body.

I'm going to relax and enjoy my shower.


-hi guys.. you probably don't like me and I'm so sorry for not updating you guys... Life is really hectic right now... BUT I Will keep writing :) thank you for being patient

Timeless | Lil XanOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora