Chapter 7 : First Encounter

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Kongpob POV

I'm feel so tired so I've decide to sleep for awhile in my classes as the hazing activities had ended and only waited for next week group trip. After I  arranged my notes and put it inside my bag then I walked out from the classes, I've got a call from Wad.

Hello? Wad? What's wrong?

Ooh.. hello KOng.. help me please..

I've left my notes under my table..

Did you still in the class?

I've just come out from the class idiot..

Why? What's wrong with your note?

Can you take it for me?

I need it for our assignment..

I'll go pick it at you room..

Can you? Please Kong.. naaa

Err.. err.. Okay..

I'll get it for you..

You are such a trouble dude..

Thank god.. I didn't walk far yet..

Hehee.. thank you Kong..

Love you Bro..

Wueckk.. jeez.. you are weird..

Whatever.. Cut off now..

Come pick your notes at my room tonight..


"jeez.. such a trouble you Wad.." I said alone and turned back my feet and walk to my class. I walk into the class and saw a guy standing near the window which is my table because it's my favourite spot for me to daydream when I'd got bored with the lecturing. He is wearing a black sweater hoodie and rip skinny jean. I tap his shoulder and when he turn his face at me, I was shocked "Arthit? What are you doing here?" I asked him. Arthit's expression looks restless but why? and what the hell he is here standing at my table?

Arthit POV

We've finished our morning classes and while I was clearing my table, shove in everything in my bag due to my lazyness, Maprang stood front of me and my friends "Err.. Arthit? Do you have a little time right now?" asked Maprang to me. I nodded and give a sign to my friends to go first and after they leave us both, she opened her mouth " I need your help Arthit". I furrowed my eyebrows "help? What kind of help? you want to get back with Kong?" I asked her in a slight jealous tone. Maprang laughed at me "What? No way!!! I don't like P'Kong as much as you Arthit" explained Maprang to me and I feel my face is burning. I nodded "then?" as I asked her but when she want to tell me, her phone is ringing and I heard a guy name Victor I guess is scolding like yelling at her while Maprang looks like she is suppressing her anger "I know Victor.. I'm sorry okay.. I didn't do it on purpose Victor.. I'm in the class.. I can't reply your text and answer your call.. looks Victor. Let's meet up at our normal hanging spot.. I'll be there in jiffy okay.. bye.." said Maprang to that guy on the phone while I just give her a small smile.

" said Maprang to that guy on the phone while I just give her a small smile

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"I'm sorry Arthit.. I will explained everything later.. can we meet up this evening? I can't explained to you now.. I'm in hurry.." I nodded "Yeah.. sure.. but let's meet at Kongpob class.. you know.. I want to put the notes under his table" I said to her shyly. Maprang give me a smile and patted my head " sure buddy.. I know.. and I hope one day.. you don't have to suffer like this anymore Arthit.. see you there at 7 o'clock this evening.. bye" and she leave the class. As for me, I leave the class and went straight to the library to find some book for my reference, then went straight to my dorm. I returning my lack of sleep that I owe yesterday night because of the on the spot assignment that our lecturer gave us through the email yesterday morning. When I woke up it's already in the evening so I freshen up myself and put on my black sweater hoodie with my long rip skinny jean. When I went to Kongpob classroom, I notice he still in the classroom, packing his bag and looks like he took a nap for awhile. I wait until he leave then I hurriedly put the notes with a chocolate bar under his table.

After that, I stand near the window at Kongpob table and after just a second, I feel someone tap my shoulder and I turn my face toward that person, I was in shock 'Kong? What is he doing here? I'd thought he's already left' I said with my inner mo...

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After that, I stand near the window at Kongpob table and after just a second, I feel someone tap my shoulder and I turn my face toward that person, I was in shock 'Kong? What is he doing here? I'd thought he's already left' I said with my inner monolgue. "Arthit? What are you doing here?" asked Kongpob and I replied in shocked "huh?? ooh.. I'm waiting for someone.. she asked me to meet her here". Thanks Maprang! i will treat you later. "this is your class?" I asked Kong and he nod then went to the other table and takes a book I guess it's a notebook. "her? you've got a girlfriend already Arthit?" asked Kong in a stern voice but I denied hard "what? no.. it's just we have something to discuss.. that's it.. why? jealous?" and smirked at him. Kong scoffed at me "pfft.. whatever.. just don't stay late.. remember.. I'm still your head hazer Arthit.. " and he just walked away leave me in the class alone.

After a few minutes, Maprang come in into the class rushingly and keep saying sorry to me because she's late "sorry Arthit.. I'm late and I'm so sorry..". "it's okay Maprang.. I owe you actually" and smile at her while she gave me her confuse looks so I'd explained to her about what happen just now before she come. We hang out in the class and Maprang started told me the story between her and Victor "you know.. that guy is Victor.. after I'd broke up with P'Kongpob.. I'd met him after few  days.. he cared for me and everything but after we get closer.. he kind of control me like don't speak with that guy and blah blah.. I don't mind if he is my boyfriend but guess what Arthit? He has a girlfriend.. what do you think I need to do? I pitied his girlfriend.. she is too kind and I don't want to be a reason if they broke up" said Maprang in sigh. "hurm.. why not you try to stay far away from him?" I suggest. "should I?" asked Maprang and I nodded "why not?". Maprang thanked me then I walked her back to her dorm and went straight to my dorm.

(P/s: sorry for late update and Happy New Year.. May all of you are happier than last year ;)

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