Chapter 19 : It's Enough

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Kongpob still can't believe what just happened and now, he know how hurt Arthit was when he play on Arthit. From that day, Kongpob become a lifeless zombie again, he went travel and makes himself busy at the company so that he won't remember about Arthit for awhile as his parents suggest to him.


After the dark day when Arthit ask for break up, Kong drive to his parents house and hug his parents with sad expression on his face once Beam and Forth greeted him. "Son? Hush.. Hey what's wrong? shouldn't you be happy today? I thought you have a date with Arthit.." asked Beam and Kong burst in tears when he heard Arthit name. "Hey son.. I don't know what happen but let's cleaned up.. then you go to sleep.. let's talk about this tomorrow.. Okay?" said Forth calmly and patted his son's head. Kong become a kid again that night that don't want separated with their  parents because for Kongpob, they are the only people who always be for him.  After he took a shower he went to his parents room and knock the door "mom.. dad.. can I come in?" asked Kong and Beam opened the door for his son "hey sweetie.. come in.." said Beam. Kong nodded and jumped straight on his parents bed and hug his dad "haha.. what's wrong with this guy today.. I don't know my cold-hearted son can be this cute.. hmm?" said Forth and played with his son's hair but didn't got a response from Kong later they find Kong already fall asleep due his tiredness of crying for all day. Beam chuckled "it remind me when he still a toddler.. he always make a fuss to sleep between us.." said Beam. Forth smile and kiss his wife and son forehead before three of them drive into the dreamland.

Beam POV

I woke up earlier and head to the kitchen to make our breakfast and it would be nice if Arthit is here with us too. Since Kongpob didn't come back with Arthit, I assume they had an arguement and that's why Arthit didn't come back home. I was deep in thought until I felt my husband backhug me "honey.. what are you thinking about huh? did something bothering you?" asked Forth and peck my right cheek. I shake my head "nothing.. I'm just think it would be nice if four of us live together again.. you know with Kongpob and Arthit.." I said and Forth nodded. "Well.. make them reconciled and ask them to live with us.. that's it.. but I don't know if that can happen after what Kong.." said Forth but stop his words when Kong is looking for us "yes son.. we're at the kitchen.. I'll bring out breakfast.. Forth help me.." I screamed to Kong at the living hall then bring out the breakfast with Forth help. While we were eating, "mom.. what would you do if dad make a joke on you and said that everything he did just a prank or a game.. would you still court daddy?" asked Kong and it took a while for me before answering "well.. actually, your dad had done something similar with it.. he gave me a second chance but later I find out he love someone else.. before I know who's that person is, I still court your father.. but at the same time I pretend to be his stalker which is later I know that someone else is me.." I explained to Kong and he just smile weakly. "Did Arthit break up with you? And for all the day you've been a couple is just a joke?" Forth asked our son and Kong nodded " You are just like P'First.. You sure know how to read my mind dad.. you're right.. he said this is what we called Karma.. but I can't mad at him either.. it's my fault at the first place.. dad.. is it wrong if I keep asking for a second chance? Should I stop? or should I keep chasing him?" Kongpob asked his dad. Forth hug our Kong "it's okay.. you are a strong boy Kong.. I know you can do it.. just follow your heart.. there's nothing wrong if you keep asking for a second chance.. every mankind deserve a second chance.. you have us with you.." said Forth to calm Kong down. I feel sad but angry at Arthit because what he had done is too much even in reality I know Arthit still love Kongpob. "Kong.. stop thinking about Arthit for awhile.. I'm afraid you will get a severe depression.. " I said to Kong because I'm afraid he will lock up himself and crying everytime Arthit reject him. "Your mom is right.. Just take a week off and travel the world.. make yourself in peace.. Or makes yourself busy and keep yourself calm Kong.." said Forth and Kong followed as what his dad suggest him. Kong fly to Korea for a week and become a workaholic son after he come back to Thailand.

 Kong fly to Korea for a week and become a workaholic son after he come back to Thailand

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-End of Flashback-

Beam POV

Time have passed by and it's been a month since Kong come back from Korea and later that evening I went to Arthit dorm to knock some sense on him and warned him for the last time before it's too late because our plan is to make Kongpob married someone else and makes Kongpob throw Arthit away from his daily's life as it is the only way to stop all this drama.


"honey.." Forth called his Beam and pulled Beam on his lap "should we end it for them? Our son is become a workaholic.. he got nothing else.. you know this afternoon.. our son friends come to my office and begging me to talk with Kong.. because he didn't spend time with them anymore.. they said our son just a live zombie.." said Forth with a sigh and concern on his face. "Got it.. Let me meet Arthit.. I will talk with Arthit tomorrow and confirm his feeling.. if he really move on from Kongpob.. let just married Kong with you friend's daughter.." suggest Beam. Forth agreed with it "I hope the later one won't happen.." said Forth.

-End of Flashback-

Arthit POV

It's been more than a months after I break up with Kongpob, sometimes I'm glad we're at zero again but sometimes I'm regret for letting him go just because of my revenge. Even my friends said I'm stupid for seeking a revenge on Kongpob and now you are enduring the pain again. Now Kongpob didn't chase me anymore and everytime I went home, I will reminisce when Kong waiting and begging front of my door. As I open my door, I felt someone tapping my shoulder "Mom?" I asked as my eyes wide open when I saw Beam is standing front of me. I invite mom to my room "Err.. why you are here?" I asked Beam and Beam smirked at me "Why? Are you hiding something from me sunshine? Perhaps.. your love one?" said Beam and I shook my head "No no.. that's not what I mean.." I defend myself. "Well.. you're not coming home for so long.. I guess I need to come here.." said mom and I feel guilty because it's really been a long time I visited them. "Well.. you know.. I'm kind of busy.." I said my excuses and Beam words choked me "busy hiding yourself from Kong? Or busy playing with Kong? I know everything son.. Are you happy now?" asked Beam with a stern voice. I closed my eyes to stop my tears "let me ask you one thing Arthit.. Do you really love Kongpob?" Beam asked me and I nodded "I do.. but I just want to give him a payback.. that's all.. How is Kongpob now? Did he hates me now?" I asked Beam. "it's enough Arthit.. more than enough.. your egoist Kongpob had gone.. but your cheerful Kongpob had gone too.. he is just a live zombie or just a robot in my eyes.. all he did is working.. he didn't hate you.. In fact he can't hate you no matter what.. please give him one last chance.. it's enough.. no more payback.. if not.. I'm gonna makes him forget about you sunshine.." warned Beam to me as I'm in shocked "What? NO!!! You can't do that.." I said to Beam. "Yes, I can.. His my son.. If you keep revenge.. I will make Kong married someone else.. That time it's already late for a chance.." said Beam and unconsciously I screamed " NO WAY!! Kong is mine.. I love him.." then I shut my mouth as my face are burning and I saw Beam is smiling. " I see.. So? You don't wand Kong married someone else?" asked Beam and I nodded. Beam laughed at me "You're so cute my son in law.. do visit us sometimes.. and here some pocket money from your father in law.. See you later.." said Beam as he put an envelope on my study table then walked out from my room. It's been a weeks since Beam last visit and I keep thinking his words 'It's enough'. You are right, it's enough but I don't think I'm brave to face Kongpob again and what if he didn't love me anymore. He never said he love me before, he only ask for a second chance. I was walking as I kept thinking when suddenly I felt numb all of my body and the next day I wake up in a white room with a patient clothes on me.

P/s : Sorry if this chapter is boring.. or somthing offended you guys..

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