Chapter 8 : Hidden

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As always every morning classes, Kongpob would get the notes from the sunshine. One night, Kongpob want to do his assignment about their TOC but when he took out everything from his bag to find his notes, he realise he left it in the class.

Kongpob POV 

"shit.. I left it under the table.. damn it" and I get up put my sweater on and walk to our block. When I walk in into the classroom, I saw someone put a notes under my table and this time I'm definitely sure it's the sunshine, I mean my sunshine but I was a little bit late and that person run away. I chase after her "hey!! wait up.. Sunshine!!!" but then that person accidentally run into a piece of broken window glasses and I heard that person hissing "ouch.. shit" but that voice seem familiar. I can't identified whether that person is a boy or a girl. I gave up to chase her and damn, that sunshine is fast. I can't catch up with her speed. I went back to my dorm with a devastated heart, straight to my study table and finish up the assignment that I need to send to that dragon lecturer. The next morning, after my morning classes, I text Arthit whether he already ate his breakfast or not but he didn't replied. So I assume he is in the class then I text him again after my evening classes but he still didn't replied it and at the end, I drove to his dorm. When he opened the door, he greet me with his yawning "aww.. Kong.. what's up?" and I smack his head "what's up? you ask me what's up? I've been spamming you but you didn't respond ". Arthit gave me a confused looks and check his phone "yeahh.. it's truth.. sorry Kong.. I've been stay up lately and I have morning classes today.. " explained Arthit take a deep breath before continued his explaination "and I forgot to bring my phone.. sorry naaa.. bestie..". I rolled my eyes at him and nodded "then.. did you eat yet?". Arthit just keep quiet and look down at the floor and I guess the answer is not yet. "don't tell me you haven't eat since yesterday Arthit.." and he nodded I just felt like wanna hit him really bad but at the end I just yelled at him because I can't him "WHAT????? are you crazy? you wanna die that bad huh? why you didn't eat? even if Knot, Bright or any of your friends can't stay with you.. you never mind it.. why you didn't eat?". Arthit replied to me "I'm sorry.. I didn't feel hungry.. at that time.. I just want to sleep.. " and when I want to continue my nagging to him, New called me.

Hello New.. what's up?

Hello Kong.. let's eat

I'm with the boys now..

Okay.. I'll bring Arthit too..

Usual place right?

Ohho.. you guys really just a bestie?

Don't start with me New..

I'm so fucked up with him now..

Ever heard don't put oil on fire?

Ooops.. my bad.. haha

Yes.. usual place..

See you.. bye..

I put down my called and stare Arthit "go cleaned up yourself now and change your clothes" I said to Arthit with a stern voice and before he can protest I cut his words off "but Kong.. I ju..". "no but Arthit.. NOW!!!! or you want me to clean you? huh?" I smirk to him and he just frown then take his towel and his clothes into the bathroom. I'm so bored while waiting Arthit and I end up wandering at his laundry corner outside at the balcony. I dropped on of his clothes that was hanging at the laundry rack and I picked up the clothes, I notice this cloth is similiar with yesterday that person a.k.a sunshine wear but I just ignore it because I think it maybe just a coincidence because it's not a special custom made clothes that are found one in a million. It just a black sweater hoodie that even I have one of it. After a few minutes, we arrived at our usual place and suddenly I'd heard a hiss from Arthit "ouch.. damn it" while he holding his arm. I removed his arm and check the wound that he already cleaned and bandage it "what's wrong with this wound Arthit? how you get it?" I asked him.

Arthit POV

"what's wrong with this wound Arthit? How you get it?" Kong asked me and I lied of course " Huh? nothing.. I just accidentally cut it with my paper scissor" and Kong nodded. Damn.. that was close Arthit. While we were eating, I didn't realize I left a rice on my cheek until Kong pick it up for me "you left this rice for whom? a girlfriend? Maprang?" said Kong. "what? hey.. I didn't have intention okay.. Khun Kongpob" I said to him while rolling my eyes to him. "you guys sure just a bestfriend?" New asked me and Kongpob. I just nodded silently hiding my feeling along with Kongpob "why do you ask New?" asked Kong. New shrugged his shoulders "nothing.. because in my eyes.. you guys looks like a married couple" said New. Kong laughed  "hhaaaha.. nonsense.. we are just bestfriend.. nothing more than that.. " said Kong while shakes his head meanwhile I just nodded awkwardly but then I heard a scoffed from someone and whispered to me "I know your secret Nong Arthit".

P/s : sorry for late update.. mistakes for everything.. and No offend :)

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