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LGBTQ+ Show List #1

(I will update this as I find new shows!)

1. RuPaul's Drag Race
I wouldn't watch this if you're not allowed to hear cuss words, suggestive content, and/or are sensitive to certain topics. I'm only saying "certain topics" because one time a queen opened up about their battle with anorexia and another talked about depression and insecurities. You can find this on Google Movies & TV, Facebook, YouTube, and probably Netflix.

2. Mr. Robot
This series is full of LGBTQ+ characters. I've only seen half of the first season, and I have to say that it is great. Although, there is a sex scene in one episode. Be careful when watching! You could find this on DVD or online. (I just rented it from a nearby movie store.)

3. Gay For Play Gameshow (Starring RuPaul)
Oooh, I can't wait for this series to be available for purchase on Google Movies & TV! It has one of my favorite LGBT+ advocates in it! And, it is a trivia gameshow. You don't have to be gay to play, but it sure does help. You can find this on Google Movies & TV, online, and possibly Netflix.

4. The Boulet Brothers' Dragula
(Even though I'm not 17, I watch it.)

This is strictly a web series for those who live on any other country besides Australia. You can find it on Amazon Prime, or the YouTube channel, WOWPresents.

The Boulet Brothers are in search for the World's Next Drag Supermonster. 10 queens see if they have what it takes to be up next to the Boulet Brothers, L.A's #1 drag duo.

You better have a strong stomach if you watch this. The extermination challenges can be gross. For example, one of season 2's extermination challenges was to be stabbed with needles. It was gruesome...

5. Modern Family
This isn't based on an LGBTQ+ character, but it does have a gay couple who adopt and raise a teenage daughter. The show so cute and funny! It's a long series, but it is definitely worthy of binge watching. You could find this on TV, Netflix, a nearby movie store, or on any movie app.

Unfortunately, I haven't been able to find many more due to the fact that my grandparents and aunt do not want me to watch shows with LGBT+ people in them. ;-;

Beautiful RainbowsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ